Meet Yuji Sakai, Japan’s leading and world-renowned Godzilla and monster sculptor. Master Yuji Sakai (酒井ゆうじ Sakai Yūji) has left his fingers and impressions on Godzilla on and off the screen and toy shelf. His work has been incarnated on screen, in museums and in our collections. He sculpts Godzilla like no other capturing the king of the monsters in his most memorable movie scenes, poses and moments. The beauty and accuracy of his work is an industry standard. His work is sought after and highly coveted. Garage kit builders line up for his next release. For those of us who collect vinyl Godzilla figures, particularly from X-Plus, we eagerly await figures bearing his name and touch. His work is legendary. Perhaps no other artist and modeler has had such a sustained influence on Godzilla and the fandom like Sakai.