Godzilla Turned 25

Godzilla’s return in the air


Last week in 1979 Toho commemorated Godzilla’s 25th anniversary with the Godzilla Movie Complete Works event (ゴジラ誕生25周年 ゴジラ映画大全集) held at the Nichigeki (Nippon) Theater in Yurakucho, Tokyo. The event featured each Godzilla Showa film daily including and other Toho special effects monster movies such as Rodan (1956) and Mothra (1961). Fan favorites, Godzilla vs MechaGodzilla (ゴジラ対メカゴジラ, 1974), King Kong vs Godzilla (キングコング対ゴジラ, 1962) and Invasion of Astro Monster (怪獣大戦争, 1965) were screened every day. The movie event ran for twenty one days from Thursday, August 2 through Friday, August 24. On August 14, the U.S. version of Gojira (1954), Godzilla King of the Monsters (1956), featuring Raymond Burr, was also shown.

Reprint of Godzilla Movie Complete Works flyer (ゴジラ誕生25周年 ゴジラ映画大全集) from the Godzilla All Movies DVD Collector’s Box Vol 43 「ゴジラ全映画DVDコレクターズBOX」Vol.43」


ゴジラ誕生25周年 ゴジラ映画大全集 25th anniversary of Godzilla | Godzilla Movie Complete Works

ゴジラが!キングギドラが!ファンの熱望に応えて帰ってきた!怪獣特撮映画の三大傑作、一拳上映! Godzilla! King Ghidorah! We’re back to meet the fans’ cravings! Three masterpieces of monster special effects movies, one first screening!

8月2日(木) -> 8月24日(金) (最後回日替り興行は22日まで)・時間表は裹面に記載してあrます・August 2 (Thursday) -> August 24 (Friday) (The last daily performance is until the 22nd)・The timetable is written on the back

ゴジラ対メカゴジラ Godzilla vs MechaGodzilla
キングコング対ゴジラ King Kong vs Godzilla
怪獣大戦争 Invasion of Astro Monster

監督 • 福田 純 | 本多猪四郎
Director • Jun Fukuda / Ishiro Honda
特撮監督 • 中野昭慶 | 円谷英二 / 製作 • 田中友幸
Special effects director • Teruyoshi Nakano | Eiji Tsuburaya / Producer • Tomoyuki Tanaka

『大ゴジラ博』 7月20日 7月25日/新宿小田急百貨店11階特別催事場 “Great Godzilla Expo” July 20th July 25th / Shinjuku Odakyu Department Store 11th Floor Special Exhibition Hall


キングコング対ゴジラ King Kong vs Godzilla
怪獣の元祖としてアメリカに誕生したキングコングと日本の怪獣王ゴジラ 怪獣本能でお互いを知り、ヒリヒリと近づきあう。そして日光中禅寺湖、遂に世界二大怪獣の会戦の火蓋が切られた。 果してゴジラが勝 つか? キングコングが勝つか? King Kong, who was born in America as the originator of monsters, and Godzilla, the Japanese monster king. And at Lake Chuzenji, Nikko, the battle between the world’s two largest monsters has finally begun. Will Godzilla win? Will King Kong win? ●時間 平日・日曜とも一 1回目 9:30~10:45/ 2回目 13:50~15:05 | Time Weekdays and Sundays 1st session 9:30~10:45/ 2nd session 13:50~15:05

怪獸大戰争 Invasion of Astro Monster
X星という新惑星の宇宙人がキングギドラの襲撃におびえ、地球にゴ ジラ、ラドンの救援軍派遣を頼んでくるがしかしこれはX星のワナだった! 彼らは手に入れた三大怪を磁力線でコントロールし、 地球服のために次々と送りこんできた。Aliens on a new planet called Planet X are frightened by King Ghidorah’s attack and ask the earth to send Godzilla and Rodan relief forces, but this is a trap from Planet X! They controlled the three great monsters they obtained with magnetic lines of force and sent them one after another for the Earth. ●時間平日・日曜とも一 1回目10:50~12:05/2回目15:10~16:25 | Time Weekdays and Sundays 1st session 10:50~12:05/2nd session 15:10~16:25

ゴジラ対メカゴジラ Godzilla vs MechaGodzilla
地球侵略を企む大宇宙ブラックホ ール第三惑星人が、地球征服計画の 切り札としてサイボーグ”メカゴジラ”を日本へ出現させた。 ゴジラが 直面した最大のピンチ! アンギラ スキングシーサーも姿を現わし、 陸に海に凄絶な死闘をくりひろげる。The cyborg “Mechagodzilla” has appeared in Japan as a trump card for the earth conquest plan by the Aliens from the Third Planet of the Black Hole who plans to invade the earth. Godzilla’s greatest opponent! Angilas and King Shisa also appears, unleashing a ferocious battle on land and in the sea. ●時間 平日・日曜とも一 1回目 12:05~13:30 / 2回目 16:25~17:50 | Time Weekdays and Sundays 1st session 12:05~13:30 / 2nd session 16:25~17:50

8/2-8/24 有楽町 日劇 Yurakucho Nippon Theater

8/2 Gojira | 8/3 Godzilla Raids Again | 8/4 Mothra vs Godzilla | 8/5 Ghidorah The Three-Headed Monster | 8/6 Ebirah Horror of the Deep | 8/7 Son of Godzilla | 8/8 Destroy All Monsters | 8/9 All Monsters Attack | 8/10 Godzilla vs Hedorah | 8/11 Godzilla vs Gigan | 8/12 Godzilla vs Megalon | 8/13 Terror of MechaGodzilla | 8/14 Godzilla King of the Monsters | 8/15 Mothra | 8/16 The Mysterians | 8/17 The Human Vapor | 8/18 Battle in Outer Space | 8/19 | 8/20 Atragon | 8/21 Gorath | 8/22 The Last War

ゴジラ映画大全集 Godzilla Movie Complete Works


This Godzilla anniversary retrospective was very successful, selling 60,000 tickets and renewed enthusiasm in Japan for a new Godzilla movie. This amazing 1979 event occurred during the latest Godzilla toy boom and marked the midway point between Godzilla’s retirement in 1975 and Godzilla’s return in 1984, which also was preceeded by the Godzilla 1983 Revival movie event. Godzilla toys released in Japan from 1975–79 racked in $4.5 million.1 According to Steve Ryfle’s Japan’s Favorite Mon-Star, the Associated Press reported that “Godzilla would ‘make a comeback as the hero of a nuclear power plant accident.’” However, during those nine years, despite the event’s success and revenue, Toho and producer Tomoyuki Tanaka were struggling to come up with a new Godzilla project fitting for Godzilla’s 25th anniversary.2

Left: Two great Kodansha books from Godzilla’s 25th Anniversary: Godzilla Movie Collection Book (ゴジラ大全集 テレビマガジンデラックス コレクションブック 2) and Godzilla Movie Masterpiece Album No.1anniversary book (ゴジラ 映画名作アルバム No.1). Right: Advertisement for future Kodansha releases in 1979.

Godzilla’s 25th anniversary was celebrated with the publication of a series of Godzilla children books by Kodansha (講談社) that included the Godzilla Movie Collection Book (ゴジラ大全集 テレビマガジンデラックス コレクションブック 2) and Godzilla Movie Masterpiece Album No.1 anniversary book (ゴジラ 映画名作アルバム No.1) (see above). They also released: Monster Godzilla Encyclopedia (怪獣ゴジラ大図鑑, no 9, April 1979), Godzilla Large Monster Secret Picture Book (ゴジラ大怪獣ひみつ図鑑, no 12, September), Let’s Play with the Monster Godzilla (怪獣ゴジラとあそぼう, no 17, April), Godzilla’s Dinosaur Book (ゴジラのきょうりゅうずかん, no 1, September), Large Monster Godzilla (だいかいじゅうゴジラ, no 27, April), Godzilla Great Monster Encyclopedia (ゴジラ大怪獣事典, February), Godzilla Large Monster Kodansha Pocket Guard (ゴジラ大怪獣 講談社のポケットガード no 1, September).

My collection of Kodansha Godzilla book releases from 1979.

The same celebratory event was held in Osaka, Japan, from August 18 through 31. Japanese fans and moviegoers were excited and packed the event. Check out the tweets from Japanese fans who recall this great event.

ゴジラふりかけ @shFMOZXndn7h6yo: 「魅力的な84ゴジラムーブメントのその火付がこのイベント、、、 ●1979/08/02 ゴジラ映画大全集 | 記念すべきゴジラ生誕25周年イベント。有楽町日劇にて8/24まで公開。初日の動員は3962名。3Fまで立ち見になる超満員。スゲー!!当時の写真を拝みたい。」 “This event sparked the fascinating 84 Godzilla movement. ● 1979/08/02 Godzilla Movie Complete Works. A memorable 25th anniversary event for Godzilla. Released at Yurakucho Nichigeki until 8/24. 3962 people were mobilized on the first day. Super crowded with people standing up to the 3rd floor. Amazing!! I would love to see a photo from that time.

GR-7 @ggrasperZX: 「若い方にはピンとこないでしょうが、PCもネットもなく、自分以外に怪獣特撮を好きな人がいるなんて知る由もなかった | 時代、同好の仲間がいたというだけでも感激し、毎日通うのが幸せだったのが「日劇ゴジラ映画大全集」| なので自分にとって日劇は怪獣特撮ファン活動の聖地でもあるのです(^^;」”Younger people probably don’t get it, but there is no PC or internet, At a time when I had no way of knowing that there were people who liked monster special effects other than myself, I was deeply moved by the fact that I had friends who liked the same thing, and I was happy to go to “Nichigeki Godzilla Movie Complete Works” every day. So for me, Nichigeki is also a sacred place for monster special effects fan activities (^^;”

The Godzilla Movie Complete Works event (ゴジラ誕生25周年 ゴジラ映画大全集) held at the Nippon Theater in Yurakucho, Tokyo. Photo Credit: gvsg @Gvsg2004Gvsg

浅井和康 @kazz_asai: 「今夜、旧友たちとの酒宴で話頭に上った「ゴジラ映画大全集」。
1979年のあの夏を懐かしく思い出しました。」”Tonight, at a banquet with old friends, “Godzilla Movie Compilation” was talked about. An event that led to the formation of friendships that continue to this day with many like-minded people. I remember that summer of 1979 fondly.

佐藤利明(娯楽映画研究家)@toshiakis:『40年前の8月2日、16歳になる夏に、東京・有楽町日劇で「ゴジラ映画大全集」がスタートしました。前日から徹夜で日劇前に並び、様々な出会いがあり、今でも交流している方々もあり、TwitterやFacebookで再会した方もいます。僕らの原点というか、ここから「特撮を語る」人生が始まったのは間違いない。」”By 40 years ago, on August 2nd, in the summer when I turned 16, the “Godzilla Movie Complete Works” started at Yurakucho Nichigeki in Tokyo. From the day before the performance, we stayed up all night lining up in front of the theater, and we had various encounters, some of whom we still keep in touch with today, and some of whom we met again on Twitter and Facebook. There is no doubt that our starting point, or rather, the life of “talking about special effects” started from here.”

Reprint of Godzilla Movie Complete Works poster from the Godzilla All Movies DVD Collector’s Box Vol 43.

I was surprised to find I had amassed a sizable 1979 Godzilla collection along with the Godzilla DVD Collector’s Box Vol. 42 containing reprints of the event poster and Chikashi (Japanese for flyer). Arriving in the mail soon will be an original flyer and poster. A year before the amazing Popy Jumbo Godzilla was released. Here in the U.S., Mattel released the Shogun Godzilla and Godzilla’s Gang. What a great time to be a Godzilla fan and collector. Anniversary movie events mark Godzilla’s history and our memories in Japan and abroad. Today, we have Godzilla marathons on television, but there’s nothing like seeing Godzilla in the theater. And a twenty-day event is a dream.

1 Japan’s Favorite Mon-Star: The Unauthorized Biography of “The Big G”, Steve Ryfle, p 216.
2 Ibid.

ゴジラ365日 (洋泉社, November 8, 2016)