Were dinosaurs colorful?


P 316

◆ 恐竜は極彩色だった?
Were dinosaurs colorful?


“Godzilla vs. Hedorah” was monotone, so in “Godzilla vs. Gigan” I was particular about the colors. I used a color that is not found in other works, such as how to contrast with the gray tone of Godzilla, or what to do with the background color, and the color of the sky. In a nutshell, this work can be said to be a film that pays attention to color. However, as the filming progressed, the monsters got dirty and the colors faded, and it was troublesome to repaint them. If it’s all gold, you can paint it quickly, but it was a subtle color scheme. Also, Gigan has an image of a robot, but I wanted to leave a nuance of a monster. That’s why I expressed the overall form rigidly and brought out the warmth with colors. I used “The Tale of Genji Scroll” as a reference for the image of Gigan. It was a very expensive book at the time, so I spent a week visiting the library to study it. There were no color copies in those days, so I would stare at books and memorize them in my head. If the colors are different, it will become a toy.

Genji Monogatari Emaki (源氏物語絵巻) also called The Tale of Genji Scroll, is a famous illustrated handscroll of the Japanese literature classic The Tale of Genji, produced during the 12th century, perhaps c. 1120–1140. (Source: Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genji_Monogatari_Emaki)


Once upon a time, there was an article in the science magazine “Nature” that said, “Dinosaurs were richly colored like birds of paradise.”


The new monster Gigan is a robot image (12th work)

P 317


I was very convinced. All the illustrations of dinosaurs are colored by imagination. But maybe it was really colorful.


In an era of high heat on earth, a dinosaur that big wouldn’t be able to survive with a body that absorbs heat. Grays and greens absorb heat, so you can’t maintain that huge body. After all, it is a rich color that can be considered. The animals in the southern countries are richly colored, and the colors become darker as you go to the northern countries.

Source: ゴジラ•デイズ, p 216-217