The Story of Godzilla’s Birth – Pt 73


The Story of Godzilla's Birth
「ゴジラ誕生語」The Story of Godzilla's Birth by Osamu Yamaguchi

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Prayer for peace


“Godzilla” is not just an entertainment film or a spectacle film. Even at the concept stage, it was deeply entwined with what producer Tomoyuki Tanaka called “the horrors of war and nuclear weapons.” Tanaka himself left behind the following testimony:


“Godzilla is a monster born from a hydrogen bomb. It was a movie with a perfect message: mankind is being punished for what they themselves created.”


Tanaka stated that the theme of this project was “the fear of the hydrogen bomb,” and made it clear that this film was not simply an entertainment film.


The film’s director, Ishiro Honda, had witnessed the devastation caused by the atomic bomb in Hiroshima.


When Honda and Tsuburaya started production on Godzilla,


“While filming, we ourselves decided that we would never feel embarrassed about making an absurd monster movie. We decided to make the film with eyes filled with hatred and amazement at the horror of the atomic bomb. We agreed to keep in mind our aim of realism as we filmed, imagining what it would be like if an incredible monster, brought back to life by an atomic or hydrogen bomb test, were to appear in Japan, in Tokyo.”


The media at the time had the following reaction to Honda and his group:

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“How can a living thing breathe fire?”


There was an air of contempt for them. However, Honda had this to say about them:


“We know that radiation is not fire. This is a cinematic lie.”


“The greatest victims are always the people. The original image of this film is my own experience of war.”


In other words, based on his own wartime experience, he wanted viewers to feel that war and nuclear weapons must be eliminated from this world. It could be said that Honda entrusted this message to Godzilla. And he said that he expressed it as follows:


“In the end, what is the best way to convey the horror of radiation? I thought of the scene in a way that shows the smallness and weakness of human beings, so the tragedy of Hiroshima and Nagasaki is nothing like it.”


Furthermore, Akira Ifukube, who was in charge of the music, also worked on this movie with the same thoughts. Ifukube himself suffered from ataxia [Google: “People with ataxia lose muscle control in their arms and legs.”]. When he got the script for “Godzilla,” he was speechless.


“It’s like a repeat of the B29 air raids. And the Tokyo that Godzilla walked through is just like Hiroshima Yanagasaki. Everything is gone.”


He also added:


“Tragedies like Hiroshima and Nagasaki must never be repeated.”


When it comes to Godzilla music, the most famous is the solemn and heroic “Godzilla Theme.” However, Ifukube also composed other pieces with great care, which are in stark contrast to “Godzilla’s Theme.”