The Cultural History of Godzilla – Pt 36


「ゴジラの精神史」The Cultural History of Godzilla 1954 by Shuntaro Ono (2014)
「ゴジラの精神史」The Cultural History of Godzilla 1954 by Shuntaro Ono (2014)

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The bombing of San Francisco is depicted as follows.


As it approached the sky above the city of Mulberry Port, the plane made a large circle and gained altitude.


It didn’t seem like a big bomb…


Even though it was broad daylight, a bluish-white flash of light like an electric firework that was difficult to describe suddenly turned upside down in the center of the city, and a huge roar of earth-shattering roar occurred…that was it. The city of Mulberry Port disappeared from view in the thick dust. (Omitted) The mass of Mulberry Port, which until just a moment ago stood tall on the opposite shore and swelled like an iceberg, no, like sugar candies, had lost its shape and shadow.


In response to this report, the novel ends with the president pondering where to flee, frightened by the power of the Japanese atomic bomb. However, something similar to the devastation of San Francisco described here actually happened in Hiroshima a year later. The B2 Enola Gay similarly dropped the atomic bomb “Little Boy” from an altitude of 9,600 meters, and that single bomb blew up the city of Hiroshima.


If Godzilla is the ultimate weapon created as a result of hydrogen bomb testing, Dr. Serizawa’s “Oxygen Destroyer I” bears the shadow of Japan’s development of the atomic bomb. I don’t know if Shigeru Kayama and the production side knew the details. But a source, “a German scientist in Switzerland,” vaguely suggests a connection. The Army requested RIKEN and the Navy requested Kyoto Imperial University to develop the atomic bomb. Uranium is scarcely produced in Japan, so it was difficult to secure the amount needed to make an atomic bomb, but it was mined in Ishikawa Village, Fukushima Prefecture.

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They also tried to use U-boats to transport them from Germany. In 1944, the Asahi Shimbun published a commentary article titled, “A single matchbox of uranium will destroy the entire city of London,” and the rumor spread among the general public (Hosaka Masayasu “Japan’s Atomic Bomb”). It was a revival secret weapon to make up for the inferiority. The reason Dr. Serizawa was given the task of depriving water of oxygen is because it has something to do with water. Deuterium and tritium are needed to make a hydrogen bomb, and deuterium can be extracted relatively easily from water. In other words, materials for hydrogen bombs exist widely in nature. This is quite different from the biased production areas of natural uranium. Water is made up of hydrogen and the oxygen essential to life. Bikini hydrogen bombs, made from deuterium extracted from water, resulted in the contamination of tuna fish. The scattered coral fell like white ash. If that is the case, Dr. Serizawa’s use of the Oxygen Destroyer to turn the fish in the tank to skeletons in front of Emiko also serves as a visual representation of the damage caused by the hydrogen bomb test. The point is not whether such weapons are scientifically feasible. As a visual metaphor, how does it appeal to the imagination of the audience? However, the hydrogen bomb test that awakened Godzilla is no longer of a scale that can be carried out in a private laboratory. The theory could be written on paper. It may be possible to do some basic experiments. But to see the power of the blast, you have to do it in a real place like Bikini Atoll. Atomic and hydrogen bombs cannot be easily tested in a tank like the Oxygen Destroyer.