More about Godzilla 1954



Godzilla lived in a legend passed down from ancient times on Odo Island. It is never mentioned in the movie when Godzilla, who used to be based in the underwater caves of Bikini Atoll before the atomic bombing, started migrating to Odo Island, the northernmost point of his territory. Judging from its movement radius, there is no doubt that it is a fixed aquatic species. In Dr. Yamane’s opinion, Godzilla is “a creature in the process of evolving from an aquatic reptile to a terrestrial beast.” This is truly the missing link in living things, and it is also a child’s observation that Godzilla, who is fixed on land, will appear in hundreds of millions of years. Furthermore, Dr. Yamane (Shigeru Kayama’s subjective opinion) never said that Godzilla was a survivor of the dinosaurs. That skin is a keloid from being exposed to the atomic bomb, and that gnarled dorsal fin is a trace of flesh scraped off (originally it looked like a Stegosaur). Godzilla is the embodiment of the antithesis of human science. This is a sad picture of the Japanese people.


▲ 大戸島で姿を現した呉爾羅。これは山根博士が撮ったスクープ。

▲ Godzilla appears on Odo Island. This is a scoop taken by Dr. Yamane.

▶︎ 闇に光る赤眼。黒い巨大な影が帝都・東京をふたたび襲う。

▶︎ Red eyes that glow in the dark. A huge black shadow attacks the imperial capital of Tokyo once again.

◀︎ 古生物学者として葛藤する山根博士を名優・志村喬が演じた。そんな父を見つめる、河内桃子の目が切ない。

◀︎ Dr. Yamane, a conflicted paleontologist, was played by the famous actor Takashi Shimura. Momoko Kawachi’s eyes are sad as she looks at her father.

▼ 古代侏羅紀に、ゴジラは生きていた。

▼ Godzilla lived in the ancient Jurassic era.

▲ 尾形(左)に無言で訴えかける芹沢博士の無念。オキシジェン・デストロイヤーを発明した芹沢自身が現代のゴジラであった。若き日の宝田明と平田昭彦がそれぞれ熱演した。

▲ Dr. Serizawa’s regret as he silently appeals to Ogata (left). Serizawa, who invented the Oxygen Destroyer, was himself a modern-day Godzilla. Young Akira Takarada and Akihiko Hirata gave enthusiastic performances.

▲ ゴジラに付着していたトリロバイト、別名三葉虫。

▲ The trilobite, also known as the trilobite, attached to Godzilla.

Source: The Pictorial Book of Godzilla