Koichi Shikishima and Shinden


Koichi Shikishima and Shinden

『ゴジラ-1.0』における架空の帰還兵で震電パイロット。「生 きて帰る」という母との約束を守って特攻を逃れ、大戸島では 結果として整備隊壊滅の原因を作ってしまう。震電は大馬力 エンジンと6枚羽根プロペラによる強烈なトルクがあって、操 縦時のクセが危険なほど強い。また迎撃機として上昇、下降性 能に特化した機体でもある。それを初飛行で乗りこなし、低空 でゴジラを的確に捉え続けた敷島の操縦技術は、文句なしに 超一流であった。もし戦局が許し、彼に適切な戦闘機が与えら れていれば、日本海軍を代表するエースになることが約束さ れた逸材であっただろう。

A fictional returning soldier and Shinden pilot in “Godzilla-1.0.” Keeping his promise to his mother that he would return home alive, he escapes the suicide attack, and ends up causing the destruction of the maintenance team on Odo Island. The Shinden has a high-horsepower engine and a six-blade propeller that generates strong torque, and its maneuverability is dangerously strong. It is also an aircraft specialized in climbing and descending performance as an interceptor. Shikishima’s piloting skills, which he piloted on his first flight and continued to accurately capture Godzilla at low altitudes, were undoubtedly top-notch. If the war situation had allowed him and he had been given a suitable fighter, he would have been a talented fighter with the promise of becoming the Japanese Navy’s leading ace.

▼ 震電のコクピット
▼ Shinden cockpit

Source: Hobby Japan Feb 2024