Monster Olympics


“Monster Olympics”

Four Great Monsters “The Biggest Battle on Earth” [Ghidorah, The Three-Headed Monster]

For special shooting and driving

秘境、黒部渓谷に落ちた大いん(隕)(石から誕生した宇宙の超怪獣「キングギドラ」 対地球の怪獣連合軍、ゴジラ、ラドン、モスラの死闘を描く四大怪獣「地球最大の決戦」(監督本多猪四郎・特技監督円谷英二)は、いま特撮ステージいっぱいにつくられた富士のすそ野を舞台に追い込み撮影中だが、なにしろ怪獣が四匹も登場する豪華版だけにスケールも大きく、これに演技をつける円谷英 二特技監督の苦労はたいへんなもの。

A meteor that fell into the unexplored Kurobe Valley (the super monster “King Ghidorah” born from stones, the four major monsters “The Biggest Battle on Earth” depicting the death battle of Godzilla, Rodan, and Mothra, the Allied Forces of Monsters on Earth (Director Ishiro Honda / Special Effects Director Eiji Tsuburaya) is currently shooting in the foothills of Fuji, which has been created to fill the special effects stage. The scale is large because it is a gorgeous version where the four monsters appear. Eiji Tsuburaya, the director of special effects, works hard to add acting to this.

特に新登場の「キングギドラ」は、ギリシャ神話のヒドラ(やまたのおろちに似ている)とユニコン(一角獣)、それにペガサス(天馬)を組み合わせたウルトラCの怪獣だけに「こう怪獣が大型かつ複雑になってくると格闘させるのに骨が折れますが、またこの苦労も一つの楽しみ。ゴジラ誕生以来十年の歴史をもつ怪獣映画の決定版にしてみせますよ」と円谷監 苦労もまた楽しという表情。

In particular, the new “King Ghidorah” is a large and complicated monster of Ultra C, which is a combination of Greek mythological hydra (similar to Yamata no Orochi), Unicorn (one-horned beast), and Pegasus (Tenma). “When this monster becomes large and complicated, it’s hard to fight, but this hardship is also one of the pleasures.” We will show you the definitive version of a monster movie that has a history of 10 years since Godzilla was born.”

The term Ultra C is a cultural idiom [for amazing feat] in Japan that started as the informal strategy used by the Japanese Olympic gymnastics team in 1968. (Source: Wikipedia)

このキングギドラは体長百、 長百五十体重三万㌧(ソウ七千五百頭分)、速力マッハ3、引力光線を放出して相手を無重力 状態にし、空中につり上げたり、 感電状態におとしいれるなど、いままでのどの怪獣よりも凶暴で強 力なしろもの。

This King Ghidorah has a body length of 100, a weight of 150 tons (saw 7,500), a speed of Mach 3, and emits attractive rays to make the opponent weightless, lift it into the air, or put it in an electric shock state. It is more ferocious and powerful than any other monster so far.

これを迎えうつ三怪獣の特徴は、ゴジラは体長五十、体重二 万、放射能を放出し、尾の破壊力が強い。 ラドンは体長五十、 百一十、体重一万五千㌧、 速力マッハ56の衝撃波で相手を破 鋭いクチバシやツメ、チヨップが武器。モスラ(幼虫)は 全長四十、体重一万㌧。粘着力 のある糸をはき出し、相手をしばり上げるクモの巣攻撃、地中にもぐり、相手を急襲するモグラ作 戦など各怪獣の多種多彩な攻撃力がみものである。

The characteristics of the three monsters that meet this are that Godzilla is fifty in length, weighs 20,000, emits radiation, and has a strong tail destructive power. Rodan is fifty, 110, weighs 15,000 tons, and defeats the opponent with a shock wave of speed Mach 56. Sharp beaks, claws, and chiyops are weapons. Mothra (larva) has a total length of 40 and weighs 10,000 tons. Each monster has a wide variety of attack powers, such as a spider web attack that pushes out sticky threads and squeezes the opponent, a mole operation that goes underground and attacks the opponent.


If you look at it like this, it’s just like the monster Olympics, but it’s already a hot topic such as a flood of inquiries from foreign fans to Tsuburaya Productions.



A big battle with King Ghidorah (center), a new monster in which Godzilla (left), Radon (upper left), and Mothra (lower right) cooperated.