“Godzilla” movie extra recruitment 1


(Contact) Movie “Godzilla” extra recruitment 1

厳正なる抽選の結果、あなたに「ゴジラ」エキストラ出演を依頼申し上げます。つきましては、8月14日(火)午後6:00 西新宿都有4号に集合していただくようお願いいたします。

As a result of a fair lottery, we would like to ask you to appear as an extra in “Godzilla.” Therefore, we would like to ask you to meet at 6:00 pm on August 14th (Tuesday) at Nishi-Shinjuku Toyu No. 4.
(see map below)

尚、当日は、撮影会場受付にてこのハガキがチェック用の整理券となりますので、必ず持参して下さい。謝礼は、撮影終了後、このハガキと引き替えでお渡ししますので、ハガキは最後までお持ち下さい。 (また、夜間撮影のため、小さなお子様の場合は、父兄伴でお願いいたします。)

On the day of the event, this postcard will be used as a numbered ticket for checking at the reception at the shooting venue, so please be sure to bring it with you. We will give you a reward in exchange for this postcard after the shooting is over, so please keep the postcard until the end. (Also, since we are filming at night, small children should be accompanied by their parents.)


We are looking forward to seeing you at the venue on the day.

東宝映画 東宝ゴジラクラブ事務局
Toho Movie Toho Godzilla Club Secretariat

Source: GR-7 ggrasperX