Godzilla 2000 Millennium Design Works


Godzilla 2000 Millennium

Design Works


Mr. Shinji Nishikawa, Mr. Hideo Okamoto, let’s release the design drawings that three designers showed their skills at once!



Shinji Nishikawa is in charge of the design work for the new Godzilla. There is no definitive draft design for the whole body, but the silhouette on the left and the definitive design for the head are drawn, and Mr. Wakasa is modeling Godzilla based on the image of Mr. Suzuki and Mr. Toyama.

▶︎ 小さな頭、背ビレの形、初代ゴジラのイメージを踏襲した検討稿。

▶︎ A study draft that follows the image of the first Godzilla, with a small head and dorsal fin shape.

▶︎ 鋭角的な背ビレに大きな頭。徐々に決定稿にちかいフォルムに近づいている検討稿の一枚。

▶︎ It has a sharp dorsal fin and a big head. One of the drafts that is gradually approaching the final form.

▶︎ 右下が頭の決定デザイン、目尻から首へと流れるような表皮のパターンが特徴的。

▶︎ The bottom right is the decisive design of the head, and the pattern of the epidermis that flows from the corner of the eye to the neck is characteristic.

▶︎ 初代ゴジラをイメージにという、冨山プロデューサーの意向に沿って、企画初期段階に描かれた物。

▶︎ In line with Producer Tomiyama’s intention to use the image of the first Godzilla as an image, it was drawn in the early stages of planning.

Source: ゴジラ2000ミレニアム 超全集, p 42