Godzilla vs Gigan


Godzilla vs Gigan

What are you doing here?

Godzilla vs Gigan

Hi! I was looking for you! Here are the designs.

Godzilla vs Gigan


This is my brothers!

Godzilla vs Gigan

Look! The “T. S.” are his initials!”

Godzilla vs Gigan

What is your brother’s name? I found it at the Godzilla Tower! I’m sure he’s there. This is becoming more suspicious. There is something behind this peace and the young chairman who was calculating the orbit of the M-Space Hunter Nebula! We can’t snoop around there.

Shina Takeshi! Is he okay?

Finding him will be really tough. Let’s dig into what these people are up to!

Godzilla vs Gigan

To City Hall & More

Godzilla vs Gigan
Godzilla vs Gigan