“The Seal of the Sun”
Shin Godzilla and the government
Interview with Mr. Tamiyoshi Tachibana, the creator of “The Seal of the Sun” drawn by the Prime Minister’s Office after 3.11
たちばな たみよし/早稲田大学理工学部卒。岡山県議会議員3期。ポールトゥウィン・ピットクルーHD株代表取締役会長、一般社団法人自然エネルギー政策研究所代表。
Tamiyoshi Tachibana / Graduated from Waseda University Faculty of Science and Engineering. She is a third-term member of the Okayama Prefectural Assembly. Chairman of Pole-Twin Pitcrew HD Co., Ltd. Representative of Renewable Energy Policy Institute.
Due to the hit of “Shin Godzilla,” the movie “The Seal of the Sun,” which depicts 3/11, is attracting attention. If Godzilla is fictional, the TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident is real.
–––––– In “The Seal of the Sun,” there are lines about the nuclear accident, such as “The other party is like a monster, isn’t it? A Japanese person has dealt with it for the first time” and “Japan is still facing the possibility of disappearing as a country again”. Contrasting with “Shin Godzilla” has become a hot topic over how the government should be in an emergency. The production and release of “The Seal of the Sun” comes first.
In comparison with “Shin Godzilla,” I would like you to be interested in the amount of information that the Prime Minister’s official residence was able to grasp. The Japanese government, the United States, and the United Nations had information about Godzilla, but in that nuclear accident, Tokyo Electric Power Company, a private company, had a monopoly on information.
–––––– 製作の動機はどこにあったのでしょうか。
–––––– Where was the motive for the production?
One is that I want to keep an accurate record of a catastrophe of this magnitude. Rather than a documentary film centered on interviews with the people involved, I wanted to make a feature film with a strong appeal.
Second, I would like to verify whether rumors such as “The mishandling of the prime minister’s official residence worsened the accident and expanded the damage” are true. For example, I was interested in whether or not Prime Minister Naoto Kan (at that time, the same applies hereinafter) was really the one who stopped the injection of seawater into the reactors.
–––––– 菅首相や枝野幸男官房長官など4人が実名で描かれますね。
–––––– Four people, including Prime Minister Suga and Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano, are drawn with their real names.
It is unusual for a feature film to feature an incumbent politician under his real name. However, I decided that if I didn’t do that, it wouldn’t have the power and persuasiveness.
–––––– ただ、核心部分の事実関係に誤りが含まれると、プロパガンダ映画だとの批判が出かねません。
–––––– However, if there is an error in the facts of the core part, it may be criticized as a propaganda film.
I agree. That’s why I paid close attention to confirming the facts. The report of the “National Diet TEPCO Fukushima Nuclear Power Station Accident Investigation Committee” (Chairman Kiyoshi Kurokawa, National Diet Accident Investigation Commission) was helpful. Since the investigation is conducted against the background of the national government investigation authority, there should be few lies in the testimony.
The recording of the TEPCO video conference is also an important material, although it is unnatural that there is no sound in some parts. We also conducted interviews with the parties involved, including Naoto Kan, Yukio Edano, and Tetsuro Fukuyama.
–––––– 枝野氏が8月22日に映画を観賞し、「5年前の事実と重なるので非常に複雑な思いで見た」と感想を語っています。
–––––– Mr. Edano saw the movie on August 22nd and said, “I saw it with very mixed feelings because it overlapped with the facts from five years ago.”
One of the purposes of filmmaking is to keep memories from fading. Although stone monuments have been left along the Pacific coast of the Tohoku region to mark the points where tsunami had reached in the past, the lessons learned from the tsunami could not be fully utilized. I hope that by making it into a movie, it will be possible to convey the situation of the prime minister’s official residence after 3/11, 100 or 200 years from now. The radioactive material released by the accident will continue to contaminate the area for much longer.
–––––– 海外での反響も大きいとか。
–––––– It seems that the reaction overseas is also great.
8月24日と25日にポーランドで行なった上映会は満席となりました。第40回モントリオール世界映画祭「Focus On World Cinema」部門に正式出品され、8月26日に上映されました。国内でもこれから公開される都市がありますし、自主上映のお願いもしていきたいと考えています。関心がある方は事務局まで連絡をください。
The screenings held in Poland on August 24th and 25th were sold out. The film was officially submitted to the “Focus On World Cinema” section of the 40th Montreal World Film Festival and screened on August 26th. There are cities in Japan that will be open to the public in the future, and I would like to ask for independent screenings. If you are interested, please contact the secretariat.
Photographer/Interviewer/Hiroyuki Ida (Editorial Department)
製作:橘民義監督:佐藤太|脚本:長谷川隆|音楽:ミッキー吉野出演:北村有起哉三田村邦彦袴田吉彦2016年/日本/130分©「太陽の蓋」プロジェクト/TachibanaTamiyoshi上映実行委員会事務局(TEL03-5909-7911、[email protected])
Production: Tamiyoshi Tachibana Director: Futoshi Sato | Script: Takashi Hasegawa | Music: Mickey Yoshino Cast: Yukiya Kitamura Kunihiko Mitamura Yoshihiko Hakamada 2016/Japan/130 minutes (TEL03-5909-7911, [email protected])
Source: 週刊金曜日2016.9.16(1104号) Weekly Friday 2016.9.16 (No. 1104), p. 21