The House of Parliament



House of Parliament
First Committee Room (set)

重大だからこそ発表すべきだ! 菅井きんの怒号が響いた閣議室のモデル

It should be announced because it is serious! The model of the Cabinet Room where the anger of Kin Sugai echoed


Although it is not a location, the facilities in the parliament hall, where the Odo Island surveyor’s hearing was held in the movie, is modeled in the real first committee room. Really solid, real, and serious work, such as wall patterns, curtains, chandeliers, etc. You can see the height of the art level of Godzilla. The photo on the right can see the lighting on the top.

Source: 初代ゴジラ研究読本 (洋泉社, p 48)