In Godzilla vs MechaGodzilla (1974), Interpol agent Nanbara, says to our heroes Keisuke Shimizu and Saeko Kanagusuku, “It’s a good night to talk about love,”1 during their boat trip to Okinawa. But their ride aboard the Queen Coral (クイーンコーラル) was anything but the Love Boat with “life’s sweet reward” and “an open smile on a friendly shore.”2 They departed on the Sunflower only abruptly to board the Queen Coral in order to keep the enemy off their trail. But onboard an Alien from the Third Planet of the Black Hole attacked them in an attempt to steal the King Shisa statue. In the end, the Queen Coral proved to be a safe haven transporting our heroes still intact with the statue securely stashed away by the ship’s captain until they arrive at Naha Port in Okinawa.