Making of Terror of MechaGodzilla



◀︎▼ 平田昭彦と藍とも子の真船親子を演出する本多猪四郎監督のスナップ(左)と、同じく、藍とも子に演技指導する本多監督のスナップ(下)。特撮映画における本編の役割を熟知した本多監督の、撮影に臨む真摯な姿勢が垣間みえる。

◀︎▼ A snapshot of Director Ishiro Honda directing Hirata Akihiko and Ai Tomoko as the Mafune father and daughter (left), and another snapshot of Director Honda giving acting instructions to Ai Tomoko (bottom). Director Honda, who is well aware of the role of the main story in special effects films, gives us a glimpse of his sincere attitude towards filming.

▼ 真船桂が手術台に横たわりサイボーグ手術を受けるシーンの撮影スナップ。造り物のボディの下に潜り込み頭だけ出す仕組みになっている。

▼ A snapshot of the scene where Katsura Mafune lies on the operating table and undergoes cyborg surgery. The mechanism is such that she crawls under the artificial body and only her head sticks out.

▼ メカゴジラがゴジラに投げ飛ばされるシーンの撮影スナップ。操演の仕込みに中野特技監督のチェックも余念がない。

▼ A snapshot of the scene where MechaGodzilla is thrown by Godzilla. Special effects director Nakano is also diligently checking the setup for the puppetry.

▲ メカゴジラに芝居をつける中野昭慶特技監督。円谷英二亡きあと東宝特殊技術課は廃止となり新体制が敷かれた70年代、中野はその技術の継承者として、ローバジェットでありながらも高品質な映像作りに挑んだ。

▲ Special effects director Teruyoshi Nakano directs MechaGodzilla. After Eiji Tsuburaya’s death, Toho’s special effects department was abolished and a new system was put in place in the 1970s. Nakano, as the successor to that technology, took on the challenge of creating high-quality images despite the low budget.

▲ 恒例のクランクアップ時のスタッフたちによる記念撮影スナップ。本作では本編、特撮が同一カメラマン(富岡素敬)の1班体制で撮影が行われているが、当然ながら特撮パートの終了は本編のあととなる。日付を見ると公開ひと月前であることがわかる。

▲ A snapshot of the staff taking a commemorative photo at the end of filming, as is customary. In this film, the main story and special effects were shot by the same cameraman (Mototomi Tomioka), but of course the special effects part ended after the main story. Looking at the date, we can see that this was taken one month before the film’s release.

▼ 高らかに咆哮を上げたゴジラが海の彼方へと去っていくエンディングシーンの撮影風景。この後ゴジラは9年間の長き眠りについたのだ。

▼ The filming of the ending scene in which Godzilla roars loudly and leaves for the ocean. After this, Godzilla goes into a long slumber of nine years.


The appearance of the popular monster MechaGodzilla coincided with a period of decline in the movie industry, bringing with it a ray of hope for the survival of the Godzilla film series, whose box-office results had been declining. This film features MechaGodzilla in the title role, and is expected to make a new leap forward with director Honda Ishiro, who has been working on special effects films since the first Godzilla film, and special effects director Nakano Teruyoshi, who led Toho’s new special effects system in the 1970s (this is the only film they have worked together on). It can also be surmised that the fact that they used a single main and special effects team was due to the importance placed on Director Honda’s wishes.


Director Honda’s thoughts on this film can be seen in the writings he provided in the pamphlet at the time of its release, so we will summarize them below. The director reiterates his stance on making special effects films, saying, “Special effects films are not a special genre of film, and I don’t approve of films that only emphasize and sell special effects. Special effects only come to life when they are integrated into a solid drama.” However, he also states that in films like this one, audiences are expecting monster fighting scenes, so the climax of the drama and the excitement of the special effects should be integrated. He also mentions how Godzilla, once a terrifying monster, has been transformed into a champion of justice, and reveals the difficulty of meeting these demands as audiences’ interpretations of the Godzilla character have become so diverse.


This film was effectively Director Honda’s last work, but even taking these issues into account, I would like to conclude with an excerpt from the director’s writing, in which he was still enthusiastic about making a new special effects film.


“I intend to continue making a variety of special effects films. I want to make films that allow everyone who comes to the theater to forget about everything else and just enjoy the world inside the screen.”

Source: 東宝特撮映画 DVDコレクション24 メカゴジラの逆襲, p 11