Landing in the US with a bang



・Born in 1954
・Height 100m
・Weighs 60,000 tons and emits high-temperature radiation from its mouth.


Landing in the US with a bang!!


Godzilla, the monster created by Japanese movies, is set to cross the ocean. Toho President Isao Matsuoka announced on the 17th that they have reached an agreement with a major American production and distribution company to make a Hollywood-made “Godzilla,” and that a formal contract will be signed by the end of the year.


The film is produced by TriStar Pictures, a subsidiary of Sony Pictures Entertainment. The company has produced blockbuster films such as “Bugsy” and “Hook,” and distributed popular works such as `”Terminator 2″ and “Icy Smile” in the United States. According to President Matsuoka, around spring of this year, Toho received a request from TriStar Pictures to let them film a Godzilla movie, and although they initially declined the offer because they couldn’t agree on the conditions, they made another request and decided to negotiate. He has recently agreed to the offer.


The production cost of 40 million yen (approximately 5 billion yen) will be covered by TriStar, and all production, including special effects, will be left to the US side. Filming began at the end of 1993 and is scheduled for simultaneous release in Japan and the US around Christmas 1994. In Japan, it will be distributed by Toho.


The content and director have not yet been decided, but “We read the script and drawings in advance to ensure that Godzilla’s image is not destroyed. TriStar intends to introduce a new monster that will compete with Godzilla, and we have requested that the story be set in the United States,” said President Matsuoka.


Godzilla’s performance fee, which is equivalent to copyright fees, is approximately 1 million yen (approximately 125 million yen), and Toho receives a commission based on distribution income.


Godzilla is a monster that was awakened from its slumber by a hydrogen bomb test in the United States, and was produced by Toho in 1954, and there have been 19 films including the latest work, “Godzilla vs. Mothra.”

米国でも、映画館やテレどで全作品が紹介されており、毎年、東宝の撮影所に「GODZILLA TO KYO JAPAN」とだけ書いたファンレターが何通も届くほどの人気キャラクター。ゴジラの映画音楽を作曲した音楽家の伊福部昭さん「ブロードウェイの劇場街で上映される日本映画はゴジラぐらい。私のもとにはアフリカからファンレターが来るし、イタリアではゴジラの映画音楽の演奏会まで開かれたほど。人気は世界的だ」

In the United States, all of his works have been introduced in movie theaters and on TV, and he is such a popular character that every year Toho’s film studios receive several fan letters that simply say “GODZILLA TOKYO JAPAN.” Musician Akira Ifukube, who composed the movie music for Godzilla, said, “Godzilla is the only Japanese movie shown in the theater district on Broadway. I receive fan letters from Africa, and in Italy I have a concert of Godzilla’s movie music. It was even opened to the public. It is popular all over the world.”


Decided to be made into a movie in Hollywood
Performance fee: $1 million
Released at the end of 1994