Godzilla Suit Development History


Godzilla Suit Development History

Doll Godzilla

これは文字どおり,人形サイズのゴジラ。ロングで見せるショットで使われたり、操演で空へ持ちあげられたり, 敵怪獣と組み合ってころげたりする。大小さまざまなタイプが作られているので、正確な数はわからない が,物によってはかなりの年月をとおして使いこまれたものもある。こうして見ると, ゴジラも意外にかわいいペットに思えてくる。

This is literally a doll-sized Godzilla. It can be used in long shots, lifted into the sky by practicing, and rolled in combination with enemy monsters. Since various types of large and small are made, the exact number is unknown, but some of them have been used for a long time. Looking at it like this, Godzilla seems to be a cute pet.


The first Godzilla doll. The joints are designed to move freely.


It has been used since “Godzilla Raids Again.” The photo is from “Mothra vs. Godzilla.”


The “spring” walking type that appeared in “Godzilla Raids Again.”


Godzilla, a doll who is embraced by Keiko Sawai in the “Invasion of Astro Monsters.”

From a snapshot of “Ebirah, Horror of the Deep.” Godzilla three-piece set (?).

◀ かなり大きなサイズの人形が、「怪獣大戦争」に登場。
A fairly large doll appears in “Invasion of the Astro Monster.”

The one which had a fight with Rodan in “Ghidorah, The Three-Headed Monster.”

Source: テレビマガシンデラックス Godzilla Graph Book (Kodansha, p 103)