Godzilla Movies at Tokyo International Film Festival


Godzilla Movies at Tokyo International Film Festival

「ゴジラVSキングギドラ」以降のゴジラ映画は、東京・渋谷を中心にして毎年9月に開催される〝東京国際映画祭〟において先行上映 されることが恒例となっている。正月映画として12月中旬に封切られる新作ゴジラ映画が 3か月も前に見られるとあって、この東京国際映画祭のゴジラ作品はいつも超満員の大盛況である。

Godzilla movies after “Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah” are usually pre-screened at the “Tokyo International Film Festival” held in September every year, mainly in Shibuya, Tokyo. The new Godzilla movie, which will be released in mid-December as a New Year’s movie, will be seen three months before it, and Godzilla’s work at the Tokyo International Film Festival is always overcrowded.

ただし、国際映画祭ですでに作品を見てしまったからといって、ゴジラファンは安心し てはいけない。国際映画祭で上映されるバー ジョンと封切りバージョンでは、一部に異な る点があるからだ。

However, Godzilla fans should not be relieved that they have already seen the film at an International Film Festival. There are some differences between the version and the release version that will be screened at the International Film Festival.


First of all, the work that is always done is the detailed work by synthesis. In “Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah” and “Godzilla vs. Mothra,” the piano wire that was clearly visible at the time of the film festival screening was completely erased by compositing at the time of the release. In addition, in “Godzilla vs Mothra,” there was a clear difference in the cut of the high-definition composition of cosmos and the composition of the shadow of cosmos.

また、今回の「ゴジラVSメカゴジラ」においては、合成処理のほかに音声トラックのデジタル対応作業が行われ、デジタルシステム常設館においては国際映画祭をはるかにしのぐ超高音質のサウンドが堪能できるようにな たんのうる予定である。

Also, in this “Godzilla VS Mechagodzilla,” in addition to the synthesis processing, digital support work of the audio track will be performed, and in the digital system permanent building, you can enjoy the super high sound quality sound far surpassing the International Film Festival. It’s just a plan.

君、決して封切りをおろそかにすることな かれ。

You should never neglect the release.

Source: The Encyclopedia of Godzilla (Gakken MOOK, p 156)