Godzilla Appeared Here


Godzilla has appeared here! “Domestic”


The awakened Godzilla began to move along the edge of the deep sea. The place was from the Mariana Trench (the sea) to the sea south of the Sea of Japan.


On the other hand, Godzilla has appeared many times in Japan and all over the world.

神子島 ▼ Kamikojima
◀︎ 松島 Matsushima
▲ 東京 Tokyo
▲ 竜神湖 Lake Ryujin
▲ 富士のすそ野 The foot of Mt. Fuji’s
▼ 田子ノ浦 Tagonoura [the closest port to Mt Fuji]
▲ 横浜 Yokohama
◀︎ 熱海 Atami
▲ 大戸島 Odo Island
◀︎ 小笠原諸島(怪獣ランド) Ogasawara Islands (Kaiju Land)

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[Godzilla] appeared all over the world!

▼ ベーリング海 Bering Sea
▲ ニューヨーク New York
▼ レッチ島 Letchi Island
● ゴジラが生まれたところ Where Godzilla was born
▲ ゾルゲル島 Solel Island

◀︎ 四日市 Yokkaichi
◀︎ 倉田浜 Kuratahama (reclaimed land in Mothra vs Godzilla)
▲ 大阪 Osaka
▲ 岩戸島 Iwatojima
▲ 沖縄 Okinawa

Illustration/ Takashi Minamimura