Godzilla 30 Year History



Godzilla 30 Year History


~Founders of special molding~


An unsung hero with many dreams

● 特殊美術の本格的なスタート映像の世界で、特殊美術が本格的にスタートした起源は、昭和29年の「ゴジラ」と考えられるだろう。それから30年。国内の造業界も移り変わってきたようだ。いまをときめく、宇宙刑事や戦隊物のシリ―ズが、東宝特美の流れをくんでいる、などとは、視聴者は知るよしもないが、実は人脈と相まった技術の流れがそこにはある。

● The full-fledged start of special art In the world of video, the origin of the full-fledged start of special art can be thought of as “Godzilla” in 1954. 30 years have passed since then. The domestic manufacturing industry also seems to be changing. There is no way for viewers to know that the current, exciting series such as Space Sheriff and Sentai series follow the flow of Toho Tokubi, but in reality, there is a flow of technology combined with personal connections.


The Godzilla that appeared in 1954’s “Godzilla” was prepared by Akira Watanabe while acting as Tokumi’s coordinator, while manga artist Wasuke Abe and others did the image sketches, and Teizo Toshimitsu created the miniature models. The actual suits were completed with the help of Toshimitsu, father and son Kanju Yagi, Yasuei Yagi, and Eizo Kaimei.


Until the monster boom of the early 1960s, it was said that most of the members were the same when it came to modeling.

● スタッフが次つき独立

● Staff become independent


This boom triggered the father and son Yagi to take charge of the art for Daiei’s “Gamera” and establish X Production. Since then, he has made hits with the Gamera series, monsters, and in 2006, Kamen Rider. By this time, the young staff had grown up, and the composition of the production team had changed. Later they became independent. That group established Cosmo Production. He is famous for his work in “X-Bomber” and Laox commercials.


Monsters, which created the monsters in “Ultraman 80,” is a company that has branched out from this company. The other group has created the Rainbow Modeling Project, which is responsible for all Toei-related creations, such as the aforementioned Space Sheriff.


Around the same time, Eizo Kaimei established Kaimei Productions to create the Ultra Series and the “Ambassador Magma” monsters that started in the 1980s. Tsuburaya Pro brand monsters are involved in most of the latest products. Akira Watanabe, who created the designs for King Ghidorah and Baragon, was in charge of Nikkatsu’s “Gappa: The Triphibian Monster” after retiring from Toho. Gappa has become such a Toho-like monster that it wouldn’t be strange to fight Godzilla. In addition, Fuminori Ohashi, who was involved in modeling for Toho from around “Yukio the Beast,” later worked on Daiei’s “Kujiragami,” Yokai, and early P-Productions TV series.


When Ohashi was involved in “Kujiragami,” Ryosaku Takayama, who would go on to create the famous Ultra Series beasts and “Daimajin,” received his latex training from him. In 2012, during the monster boom. When “King Kong Escapes” was being produced, Yasuyuki Inoue of Toho Tokubi ordered Gorosaurus from Takayama, but he was too busy to do so, so Nobuyuki Yasumaru, who was building plaster buildings at Tokubi, was unable to do so. However, he was in charge as a pinch hitter. This was the start of the Yasumaru Kaiju that continues today.



This time, Nobuyuki Yasumaru puts his hands into clay, the first time in 30 years that Godzilla has been transformed into a miniature model.


For “Godzilla Raids Again,” only the head and limbs were cut out, and the rest was attached directly. It’s a precise bevelling.


Teizo Toshimitsu is busy working on the first Godzilla.


Tear off the Eversoft and make pleats. At the time of “The Great War” (left) and “Mothra vs. Godzilla”.


Fathers who created Godzilla

● 造型スタッフ八木勘寿

● Modeling staff Kanju Yagi


He was Teizo Toshimitsu’s right-hand man, and his skill in processing skin had a great influence on later monster creation.

● 美術デザイナー渡辺明

● Art designer Akira Watanabe


As the general director of the art department, he created the set drawings and drew the monster designs.

● 造型スタッフ利光貞三

● Modeling staff Teizo Toshimitsu


He embodied the image of the first Godzilla and created the basic forms of many monsters. He is a sculptor and the way he captures the skeleton is amazing.

Source: SFX Godzilla ゴジラ特撮のすべて, p 136