On Godzilla 1985
Godzilla 1985
● 59年「ゴジラ」
New Godzilla
● 1984 “Godzilla”
Two suits were made for the new Godzilla. In the previous work, “old” ones were used in scenes such as underwater scenes, but this time there are two “new” characters! You can see how much effort was put into it.
Now, as for how these two figures were used, the one called Godzilla No. 1 was mainly used for sea scenes. The tail can be removed so it doesn’t get in the way, and the chest has a lead wire for bullets attached to the body. There are no gimmicks other than the opening and closing of the mouth. On the other hand, Godzilla No. 2 (as this one was completed later) is mainly for close-ups. In addition to opening and closing the mouth and moving the cheeks, the eyes move from side to side and the eyelids close. As a result, the edges of the eyes have sunk in a bit, giving the appearance of dark circles around the eyes. Everything except the eyelids was operated by a special effects person using a combination of radio control and wired equipment.
Land Use
Since the head is heavy, it puts a strain on the entire body of the suit, which causes curls and the base of the head and neck to look thin. In addition, a tube was built in to send oxygen inside, and holes were made in the fingernails and toenails to allow sweat to escape, alleviating the heat and breathing difficulties of the actors inside. The two Godzillas were created over a period of about two months, with Nobuyuki Yasumaru at the center, assisted by Yasuaki Harada and Shinji Higuchi. The built-in mechanism was handled by Akio Takagi and Haruo Inu. Of course, it goes without saying that there was a lot of cooperation from Tokubi members, part-time students, and part-time aunts. The new Godzilla suit, which is based on the original Godzilla from 30 years ago, seems to be far superior to the previous eight.
↓ まぶたの開閉は、中の役者の手動となる。透明ポリによって造られた目にはすごみさえあり、まばたきすることで、まるで生きているかのように錯覚する。当初、黒目をにわとりのように八角形にする案も出ていたという。
↓ The eyelids are opened and closed manually by the actor inside. The eyes are made of transparent polyester, and when they blink, they give the illusion of being alive. Initially, there was a plan to make the black eyes octagonal, like a chicken’s.
← ほおの動きは、猫科の肉食獣が相手を威嚇する時に見せる筋肉の動きだ。この動きはサイポットにも負けないもので、一瞬、サイボットとの見分けがつかなくなるほどだ。目に三角形のくまがあるため凶悪さがいかんなく表現される。
← Cheek movements are muscle movements that carnivores in the feline family display when threatening their opponents. This movement is comparable to that of Cybot, and for a moment it becomes indistinguishable from Cybot. He has triangular dark circles in his eyes, which perfectly expresses his ferocity.
→ 汗を逃がす穴。手と足の爪にそれぞれある。ゴジラが歩くたびに、中の役者の汗が、ここから水滴となって、ポタポタ落ちたという。この爪もポリエステル樹脂でできていて、本物に近い質感だ。
→ A hole for sweat to escape. Each finger and toenail has one. It is said that every time Godzilla walked, the sweat of the actors inside formed water droplets and dripped down from here. These nails are also made of polyester resin and have a texture that is close to the real thing.
↑ ポリエステル樹脂で造られた歯。いままでにない表現として、1列に並んだ歯の外側に、「対のキバが造られた。これは、鮫の歯をヒントにして生まれたアイデアである。
↑ Teeth made of polyester resin. In an unprecedented expression, paired tusks were created on the outside of a row of teeth.This idea was inspired by shark teeth.
Godzilla 30 years history
Source: SFX Godzilla ゴジラ特撮のすべて, p 150