About Destoroyah


Nishikawa’s Great Anatomy of Godzilla

次々と姿を変え、巨大化していくデストロイア。目に見えない大き さから南までのデストロイアの姿を徹底する。

Destoroyah changes its appearance one after another and becomes gigantic. Thoroughly see the appearance of Destoroyah from the invisible large height to the south.

「ゴジラVSデストロイア デストロイア ① (1995)
“Godzilla VS Destoroyah” Destoroyah ① (1995)

Minute Body

肉眼では見えないほどの小ささだが、ミクロオキシゲンの破壊力を身に付 け、フラスコに穴を開けて拡散した。

It’s so small that it can’t be seen with the naked eye, but it acquired the destructive power of Micro-Oxygen and opened a hole in the flask to spread it.

Crawl body


It grows to a visible size. It melted the fish in the tank and made only the bones.


The face has changed greatly from the aggregate, and is close to the complete body.


It extends a second mouth from inside its mouth and pierces the opponent to absorb energy or inject micro-oxygen.


It has a special body shape, but there is an actor inside.


集合体がさらに変化、飛行能力を 身に付けた。 随意に集合体と双 方向に姿を変えることが可能。

The collective changed further and acquired the ability to fly. Can change form at will in both directions with the collective.



A large number of juveniles gathered together to form a giant individual. The light emitted from its mouth became an Oxygen Destroyer with destructive power exceeding that of Micro Oxygen.


The long tentacles growing from the back and scissor-shaped arms are different from juveniles.



It combined and grew to become a giant human size. The micro-oxygen it spews from its mouth destroys humans, concrete, and even metal.

過去に唯一ゴジラを抹殺した兵器「オキシジェンデストロイヤー」。ゴジラの敵はついにその力を宿した怪獣に行き着いた。地球上にまだ酸素がなかった時代の 生物が、無酸素状態となった海底 復活巨大怪獣となってゴジラジュニアと激突する。

“Oxygen Destroyer” is the only weapon that has killed Godzilla in the past. Godzilla’s enemy has finally arrived at the monster that holds that power. Creatures from an era when there was no oxygen on the earth yet became an oxygen-free ocean floor resurrected giant monster and clash with Godzilla Junior.


Many large and small legs support the body. The model has casters for movement at the tip of the foot in the center.

The Ultimate Enemy Never Before, Destoroyah

ビオランテをはじめとするVSシリーズの敵怪獣は、その多くがゴジラと何らかのつながりを持つ怪 獣だった。その意味でスペースゴジラの登場も必 然であり、シリーズ完結に当たっては、その究極の 形として「ゴジラVSゴジラ」というプランも用意されたが、決定したのはゴジラ自身よりも恐ろしい存在、「オキシジェン・デストロイヤー」の化身たる怪えるだろう獣だった。生命の存在できない環境で生まれ、合体しながら水中、陸上、飛行、二足歩行と成長するその生態は、昭和の強敵へドラに通じるものがある。メカゴジラ、スペースゴジラと正統派スタイルの怪獣が続いたこともあり、デストロイア集合体の特異な体型は、ビジュアルや戦い方に新味を与えたとも言えるだろう。

Many of the enemy monsters in the VS series, including Biollante, were monsters that had some kind of connection with Godzilla. In that sense, the appearance of Space Godzilla was inevitable, and at the end of the series, a plan called “Godzilla vs Godzilla” was prepared as the ultimate form, but what was decided was an existence more terrifying than Godzilla himself, “Oxygen Godzilla.” It was a monstrous beast that was the incarnation of Destroyer. Born in an environment where no life can exist, and growing in the water, on land, flying, and walking on two legs while coalescing, its ecology has something in common with Hedorah, the powerful enemy of the Showa era. MechaGodzilla, Space Godzilla, and other orthodox style monsters continued, and it can be said that the unique body shape of the Destoroyah aggregate gave a new flavor to the visuals and fighting style.