Godzilla tramples the CM (Commercial) world!?


87 ゴジラ、CM界を蹂躙す!?
Godzilla tramples the CM (Commercial) world!?


The wide range of activities in Godzilla commercials, such as the first time in a salaryman in Hitachi’s G-code video, is exactly Ozeki Itaru. (It goes without saying that the yokozuna rank is Ultraman.) Let’s take a look at Godzilla’s success in commercials.


First of all, the famous one is the commercial of Japan Satellite Broadcasting WOWOW. The image of many Godzilla staring at a huge projector installed in a building street that seems to be New York is something you can never see in a movie. What’s more, the same costume as in the movie is used, so it’s full of impact. It seems that WOWOW’s new Godzilla commercial will be broadcast again this year, so by the time this book is lined up in stores, it will be on air?


The commercial for Nissin Foods’ Demae Iccho Temae Misonaru product is a product that leaves a strange impact with Chiyoko Shimakura, who has become two people in cosmos beams (of course, synthetic processing). Also, in the commercial of the Bank of Kyoto, Godzilla appeared in Kyoto prior to the attack on Kyoto in “Godzilla VS MechaGodzilla.” Godzilla, who stepped on the ground of Kyoto for the first time, spits out radioactive flames on the bonfire of the capital letter and shows a mischievous look such as making a heart mark emerge. Too bad it was a local broadcast.

Chiyoko Shimakura was an enka singer and TV presenter in Japan. She was considered “the Goddess of Enka.”
Source: Wikipedia

P 229

第5章 まだまだあったゴジラ学最新情報

Chapter 5 The latest information on Godzilla studies that was still there



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日本衛星放送 WOWOW 製作のポスターでも、ゴジラ大活躍!?

Godzilla is very active in the poster produced by Japan Satellite Broadcasting WOWOW!?


From 10/1 to 12/31
WOWOW original
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だが、それにも増してインパクトを残したものといえば、やはりNIKEのCMでの、バークレーとの共演だろう。伊福部昭風の音楽にのって現われたゴジラが、ちょっとヘン日本風のビル街を舞台に、バークレーとバスケットで対決するという映像には、ゴジラファンでなくとも、のけぞったに違いない。ゴジラの足もとに逃げ惑う人々が合成されていたり、ILM製作による妙にバタくさいゴジラが見せるコミカルな表情の変化、そしゴジラが倒れこんだビルから巻き上がる迫力の砂ボコリなど、それこそ見事としかいいようのないできばえだった。なお、このCM は世界各国でも放送されたそうだ。出演料が高額だったのか、以前はそう頻繁にゴジラがCMに出演することはなかった。もっとも、企業が自社CMに、ゴジラをはじ めとするマスコミキャラクターを使用することなど、一昔前は考えられなかったわけだ が、こうもポピュラリティーを得たのは、やはり一九八三年ごろ、復活に向けて、一般マスコミをも巻きこんでのブームが盛り上がっていたという時代背景があるのだろう。

However, the thing that left the greatest impact was the collaboration with Barkley in the Nike commercial. Even if you’re not a Godzilla fan, you must have been blown away by the video of Godzilla appearing to the music of Akira Ifukube and facing off against Barkley in a basket in a slightly strange Japanese-style building street. People running and trying to escape at Godzilla’s feet are synthesized, the strangely fluttering Godzilla’s comical expression produced by ILM, and the powerful sand dust that rolls up from the building where Godzilla collapsed. It was a flawless workmanship. This commercial was broadcast all over the world. Godzilla didn’t appear in commercials that often before, probably because of the high performance fee. Although it was unthinkable a decade ago for a company to use Godzilla and other mass media characters in its own commercials, it was not until around 1983 that it gained such popularity. There seems to be a background of the times that there was a boom involving the general media as well.

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このころのゴジラのCMでの活躍ぶりも、記憶に新しいところだ。 まず印象深いのが、朝日黒ナマのクロラである。ジョッキ片手に夕景のビル街を進むクロラは、ゴジラへのオマージュともとれる怪獣で、バックに流れる「MORE」(後に 「トワイライト・タイム」)とともに、静かなイメージが抜群だった。これは東宝に版権料 支払ってある由緒正しい(?)東宝怪獣出演のCMなのだ。また、グリコのプッチン・プリンのCMで、のど自慢大会に出場、鐘ひとつに終わるゴジラや、バンダイのキャラコ ン・ゴジラのCM(これは、純粋なゴジラ商品のCM)での、迷子になった子供(実はキャ ラコン・ゴジラというオチ)のために、派出所に捜索届けを出すゴジラなども忘れがたい。最後に、とっておきのCMと、それにまつわる新事実を紹介しておこう。『ゴジラVS ビオランテ』の特典LDにも収録されているスタッドレスタイヤのCMは、雪山を進むゴジラの姿が秀逸な一品なのだが、関西ローカルといわれていたこのCM、実は関東でも、神奈川テレビ『新車情報』の枠で放送されていたのだ。だから、なんだって?

The performance in Godzilla’s commercials around this time is also fresh in our memory. The first thing that left a strong impression on me was the Asahi black cat crawler. Crawler is a monster that can be seen as an homage to Godzilla as it marches through the skyscrapers in the evening with a beer mug in hand. This is a commercial featuring a Toho monster with a long history (?), for which Toho has been paid for the copyright. Also, in Glico’s Puccin Pudding commercial, he participated in a singing competition, and Godzilla ended up with a single bell. In Bandai’s “Characon” Godzilla commercial (this is a pure Godzilla product commercial), Godzilla submits a search report to the police station for a lost child (Actually, it’s a punch line called Godzilla). Finally, let’s introduce a special commercial and new facts related to it. The studless tire commercial, which is also included in the bonus LD of “Godzilla vs Biollante,” has an excellent appearance of Godzilla traveling through the snowy mountains. It was broadcast in the frame of “Information.” So what?