A monster old man who dreams of eternity


P 48


Seven habits without
Volume of Eiji Tsuburaya

A monster old man who dreams of eternity

(on behalf of Godzilla)

Hajime Tsuburaya

Kind-hearted Old Man


I’m Godzilla. Today as well, under the light of lights lined up like a honeycomb, we are fighting against Ebirah, a giant shrimp monster.

“Ready, start!”

聞き慣れた円谷オヤジの声がかかる。咆哮一発! 俺はエビラに襲いかかる。

I hear the familiar voice of old man Tsuburaya. One roar! I attack Ebirah.

一世を風靡した俺の誕生記 「ゴジラ」以来オヤジとのつき合いももう今年で十三年になる。オヤジはいつしか好々となり、俺も希代の悪役スターから、ユーモアを心得た人間的なゴジラにまで成長した。

It’s been thirteen years since my birth story “Godzilla,” which took the world by storm, and I’ve been associated with the old man for thirteen years. Before I knew it, my father liked him, and he, too, grew from a rare villain star to a human Godzilla with a sense of humor.


Some people say it’s wrong to link monsters with humor, but I interpret it as a manifestation of the gentle heart of the old man Tsuburaya.


The old man was scared. But now he’s a legend. I still yell at the staff from time to time because I’m so engrossed in my work, but compared to those days 13 years ago, I’ve gotten a lot better.


There is a reason for that. Nearly 200 staff members, including the members of Tsuburaya Productions, who are making telemovies, are working as hand in hand for the old man. For the old man, just maintaining that harmony is a tough job.

“Godzilla, turn more to the right”


Most of the orders for me are only specifying movements. It’s not a familiarity, it’s because they trust each other. In order not to betray that trust, I also devised each action.


の声があり、オヤジがつか つかとカメラの側からセットに上ってくる。

There is a voice, and the old man rushes up to the set from the camera side.

“Good, good, pretty good”

俺の肩を二度ばかりポンポ ンと叩く。一番うれしい時だ。オヤジも煙草に火をつける。白い煙が俺の顔にかかる。俺はむせるね。

Tap my shoulder twice. It’s the happiest time. The old man also lights a cigarette. White smoke hits my face. I choke.

He loves cigarettes

それにしても、オヤジの煙草好きはすごいの一語につきる。ものはハイライトだが、一日に二箱は軽く喫む。 煙草を口にしないのは、編集に熱中している時と眠っている時ぐらいだ。ひと頃、アメリカの学者が煙草とガンの関係について、SOSを発信したた め、愛煙家がパイプに切り換えたりした騒ぎがあったが、その時もすぐにパイプに換えてスパスパやっていた。

Even so, the old man’s love for cigarettes is amazing. A thing to highlight, but he easily smoked two packs a day. The only times he don’t smoke was when he was busy editing and when he was sleeping. At one point, when an American scholar sent out an SOS about the relationship between smoking and cancer, he caused a stir with smokers switching to pipes.

弟子たちが合作映画の仕事海外へ出ても、オヤジへの土産の中には必ず珍しい煙草 が入っている。オヤジが何よりもそれを喜ぶからである。

Even if my disciples go abroad to work on a joint movie, there is always a rare cigarette among the souvenirs for my father. Because the old man is pleased with it more than anything else.

かつては酒豪の誉れが高かったそうだが、今では目薬はどのスコッチにコップ一杯の水を入れた超水割りを二、三 杯。それで頬をまっ赤に染めてしまうとか、呑ンベの弟子の一人がつまらなさそうに語っているのを聞いたことがある。

It seems that he used to have a high reputation as a heavy drinker, but now his eye drops consist of two or three scotches mixed with a glass of water. I’ve heard one of drunken disciples talk uninterestingly about how it makes his cheeks turn bright red.

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With the recent monster boom, my father’s personal affairs have become busy again. Reporters from boys’ magazines are constantly coming and going in between shots. It’s really fun to stand by and listen. For the story of the monster soon turns to the story of trains and planes.


In fact, the old man might like trains and planes more than us monsters. One day, when I worked with the Rodan and Mothra guys, we discussed whether or not the old man really loved us, but Rodan and Mothra were negative.


But come to think of it, kids who like monster movies love plastic models of trains and planes. It’s a toy, so to speak. For the old man, me, Rodan, and Mothra are all cute toys. I am aware of that.

Real Flying Saucer Hobby


My nemesis with three heads, the space monster King Ghidorah, said something interesting the other day. Old man Tsuburaya believes in the existence of flying saucers and aliens.


At first, I thought that King Ghidorah used that clever trick to impress the old man, but it seems that the old man’s obsession with flying saucers is a real thing.

自宅の本棚には、円盤の見聞録や宇宙人との会見記が並んでいると助監督の一人が言ってたから間違いない。しかも数年前に、わざわざ岡山県まで出かけて、宇宙人と会見したという某英語教師に会 い、その話をテープ・レコーダーにおさめてきたそうだ。 「地球防衛軍」とか「宇宙大戦争」といったスペースものを撮っている頃から、その趣味が始まったというスタッフもいる。

One of the assistant directors told me that the bookshelves at home are lined with memoirs of flying saucers and interviews with aliens, so there’s no doubt about that. Moreover, a few years ago, he went all the way to Okayama prefecture to meet an English teacher who said he had a meeting with an alien, and recorded the story on a tape recorder. Some staff members say that his hobby began when they were shooting space movies such as “Earth Defense Force” and “Battle in Outer Space.”

しかし、円盤も、汽車や飛 行機と同じく、オヤジの夢のうちである。信じるか信じないか、そんなことはオヤジ にとって問題ではない。宇宙を縦横に飛翔する円盤への憧れのあらわれに過ぎないのだ。

But flying saucers, like trains and planes, are also a dream of old men. Believe it or not, it doesn’t matter to the old man. It’s nothing more than a manifestation of his admiration for flying saucer that flies vertically and horizontally through space.

Habits that lead to a crisis


It seems that he once thought seriously about becoming an inventor. That’s why I have no eyes for machines. According to his son, who sometimes comes to the studio, he now buys six or seven TVs every time a new product comes out.


He buys 8mm cameras, 160mm cameras, projectors, stereos, anything new as soon as it comes out.


If something goes wrong, the whole thing is taken apart and reassembled from scratch. The assembly line process is an indescribable pleasure.


It is said that one day, when he was repairing 8 mm Japanese clothes, his clothes was covered with oil, even his kimono.


Tsuburaya Productions once faced a crisis because of the bad habit of buying those machines. The old man thought that an optical printer was absolutely necessary for the production of TV movies, so he suddenly ordered one from Oxberry in the United States.

たまたまオックスベリー社では、国務省に納品するためのプリンターを製作中であった。 円谷が急いでいるのなら、国務省を後まわしにし 現在製作している品物を送ろうとトントン拍子に話がすすみ、二、三ヵ月後には現物が送られて来た。

An optical printer is a device consisting of one or more film projectors mechanically linked to a movie camera. It allows filmmakers to re-photograph one or more strips of film. The optical printer is used for making special effects for motion pictures, or for copying and restoring old film material. (Source: Wikipedia) See Oxberry

Oxberry happened to be building a printer for the State Department. If Tsuburaya was in a hurry, talks proceeded quickly to put off the Department of State and send the item currently being manufactured, and two or three months later the actual item was sent.


However, the TV project, which is the most important part of the project, has not yet been decided.

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The trade company that bought the Oxberry is demanding money. Putting a million or two million aside, it is a machine with a price close to fifty million.

いまさら要りませんからお 返し致します、とアメリカに送り返すわけにもいかず、オヤジは途方にくれた。東宝に肩替りを依頼したいにも、東宝には数年前に買ったオックスペリーがちゃんとある。

The old man was at a loss because he couldn’t send it back to the United States saying that he didn’t need it anymore. I want to ask Toho to take over, but Toho has the Oxberry I bought a few years ago.


Speaking of Tsuburaya Productions, it was just a name at the time, making commercials and being in charge of trick scenes for other companies, so it’s not a story of 50 million.


It is TBS who asked without being troubled. After several discussions, it was decided that TBS would take over, and the burden was finally lifted off the shoulders of the old man.


Unfortunately, somehow, thanks to Oxberry, the plan for “Ultra Q” was immediately decided on TBS, and Tsuburaya Productions also began full-scale production of TV movies.


Even if it’s a TV or a stereo, I think there’s something about being an old man when you order a machine that costs nearly 50 million yen without thinking about the budget. Perhaps the old man is also a terrible monster.

Finally a lonely shadow in the walking figure

グレーの帽子をかぶり、 左手をポケットに突っ込んで、スタジオまでの道を、いくらかつ向きかげんに歩いて来るオヤジ。本当は俺たちの主演する怪獣映画より、ファンタジックな写真が撮りたいオヤジ。

Wearing a gray hat and stuffing his left hand in his pocket, the old man walks up the road to the studio. Actually, I’m an old man who wants to take fantastic pictures rather than the monster movie we star in.


“Kaguyahime” is determined to do whatever it takes, but the company refuses to admit it. From Kaguyahime’s birth to her ascension, I have a wonderful storyboard of trick scenes in my head. The images that spring up one after another seem to overflow.

The story “The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter” details the life of Kaguyahime, a princess from the Moon who is discovered as a baby inside the stalk of a glowing bamboo plant.


If kaiju is for boys, Princess Kaguya is for girls. Tsuburaya Tokusatsu should make at least one movie that girls will be pleased with, and he really wants to do it.


He is not that young anymore. How many more years will he be able to work there? How many more movies can we make? He has many sons and disciples. However, Kaguyahime is the only one that he wants to make with his own hands.


I don’t know if it’s actually true, but I think that the old man will be walking down the road to the studio while thinking about such things.


The figure walking with his left hand in his pocket with his head down may be called a ‘lonely shadow’ in literary terms.


The old man is still not satisfied with the work even if he is called the World of Tsuburaya. Having been with him for thirteen years, I understand the loneliness of that old man.


I sold so much that Godzilla’s name became synonymous with the old man. I feel sorry for him, but I can’t do anything about it. I wonder if he is tired.


He is deeply asleep, leaning back in his chair. The lighting guys are yelling at each other from above and below, the big props and small props are running around, and the studio is bustling with activity as if preparing for a festival. Among them, the old man closes his eyes. This is also a recent habit.

「ポツポツ、行こうか」と、カメラマンが助監督に合図を送る。 助監督は、眠っているオヤジの側に来て、 小さな声で言う。

“Come on, let’s go,” the cameraman signals the assistant director. The assistant director comes to the sleeping father’s side and says in a low voice.

“Mr. Tsuburaya, I’m ready.”

オヤジは、うなずいて、 ゆっくりと椅子から立ち上り、サングラスをかけてカメラの側に行く。

The old man nods, slowly gets up from his chair, puts on his sunglasses and walks towards the camera.

「ゴジラ! さっきの動きのつづきだ、忘れるな」俺に声がかかった。

“Godzilla! It’s a continuation of the previous movement, don’t forget,” a voice called out to me.


“Ready! Start” I attack Ebirah again. It seems that my relationship with my father will continue for the time being, as if I were venting my anger.

(TBS Director)

〔題字マンガ 針すなお〕
Title Manga Sunao Hari]

Sunao Hari, real name Sunao Takagawa, is a Japanese manga artist and illustrator, martial artist born 15 March 1933 in Saga, Saga Prefecture, Japan. (Source: Wikipedia)