
Packaging reviews for the X-Plus Yuji Sakai Godzilla 2002 kit are coming in…

「オリジナルイメージゴジラ2に良く似てるパッケージが格好良い」”The package looks very similar to the original image Godzilla 2.”

「これは開けるのもったいないような気がするのでとりあえず箱のまま飾る。」 “I feel like it would be a waste to open this, so I’m just going to decorate the box as it is.”

“Great package”

「嵐の中で輝いて~その夢を~諦めないで」 “Shine in the storm ~
Don’t give up on that dream”


And now the Toho 30cm Series Yuji Sakai Modeling Collection Godzilla (2002) “Battle in the Storm” Soft Vinyl Assembly Kit Godzilla Store Limited Edition「東宝30cmシリーズ 酒井ゆうじ造形コレクション ゴジラ(2002)「嵐の中の攻防」ソフビ組み立てキット ゴジラ・ストア限定版 has arrived. A big thanks to Akihiko Gee Okamoto, Kazuma Matsubara, Jeremy Soles, X-Plus, and Bandai Namco! And a special thanks to Master Yuji Sakai, especially for the opportunity for my photography to represent your brilliant work.