Just sit right back and you’ll hear a tale, a tale of a fateful trip that started from this tropic port aboard this tiny ship.”1 I love the Gilligan’s Island theme song because it perfectly describes the story of the Yahlen and its crew in Ebirah Horror of the Deep (ゴジラ・エビラ・モスラ 南海の大決闘, 1966, aka, Godzilla vs The Sea Monster). Perhaps the most important Godzilla motif is the missing ship at sea. In his first appearance Godzilla attacked at least seventeen ships. Boats have always been a big part of Godzilla from Eiko Maru in 1954 to the Glory Maru in 2016. I have many favorite seafaring vessels in Godzilla movies such as the Queen Coral and Sunflower. But my all time favorite boat is the Yahlen.