What is the Emergency Disaster Countermeasures Headquarters?



The Japanese government’s Honmaru Emergency Disaster Countermeasures Headquarters has been set up to fight Godzilla!

What is the Emergency Disaster Countermeasures Headquarters?


The Japanese government has set up an emergency disaster response headquarters and will finally face Godzilla in earnest.

ここからの見所は、法解釈と政治判断だ。 だが、その前に緊急災害対策本部とはどういうものなのか、 3.11の実例なども踏まえながら見ていこう。

The highlights from here are legal interpretation and political judgment. But before that, let’s take a look at what the Emergency Disaster Countermeasures Headquarters is, taking into account the actual example of 3.11.

Confidential 85


What happens when the Emergency Disaster Countermeasures Headquarters is set up?

緊急災害対策本部は、災害対 策基本法に基づき設置される。

The Emergency Disaster Countermeasures Headquarters will be established based on the Disaster Countermeasures Basic Law.

災害対策本部には4種類あり、 地方の首長が設置する「災害対策 本部」、国務大臣が本部長となる 「非常災害対策本部」、内閣総理大臣が本部長となる「緊急災害対 策本部」、そして原発事故などの際に設置される「原子力災害対策 本部」で、こちらも本部長は内閣 総理大臣であり、災害対策基本法の特別法である原子力災害対策特別措置法が法的根拠になる。

There are four types of disaster countermeasures headquarters: the “disaster countermeasures headquarters” established by local chiefs, the “emergency disaster countermeasures headquarters” headed by the Minister of State, and the “emergency disaster countermeasures headquarters” headed by the Prime Minister, and the “Nuclear Disaster Countermeasures Headquarters” established in the event of a nuclear accident, etc., also the head of the headquarters is the Prime Minister, and the Nuclear Disaster Countermeasures Special Measures Law, which is a special law of the Disaster Countermeasures Basic Law, is the legal basis.

緊急災害対策本部は、災害対策本部のもっとも上位にある。本部長である総理大臣は国務大臣にも指揮権を持つなど、一時的に強い権限が法的に与えられる。中にも出てきたが、「災害緊急事 態の布告」も総理権限のひとつで、 国会の事後承認が前提ながら、布告をすることで政令の制定権限を持てるようになり、必要に応じて供給物資の制限や経済活動への関与などができるようになる。大河内総理の言葉を借りれば「今まで出たことのない大変な布告」だ。

The emergency disaster response headquarters is at the top of the disaster response headquarters. The prime minister, who is the head of the headquarters, is temporarily given strong authority, such as having the command of the minister of state. As mentioned in the article, “Proclamation of disaster emergency situations” is also one of the prime minister’s authorities, and while premised on the post-approval of the Diet, by making a proclamation, it becomes possible to have the authority to enact government ordinances, if necessary. They will be able to limit supplies and get involved in economic activities. In the words of Prime Minister Okochi, it is a “difficult proclamation that has never been issued.”


If the Emergency Disaster Countermeasures Headquarters is set up and the Emergency Disaster Countermeasures Headquarters is set up for the same disaster, the Emergency Disaster Countermeasures Headquarters will be automatically abolished and will be taken over by the Emergency Disaster Countermeasures Headquarters.

今作で言えば、最初の総理記者会見シーンで、もし、ゴジラの上陸がなかったとしたら、上陸はないものと楽観視していた状況であったし、おそらく、非常災害対策本部の設置が伝えられていた可能性が ある。状況に備えつつ、経過を観察という感じだ。

Speaking of this work, at the first Prime Minister’s press conference scene, if Godzilla had not landed, he was optimistic that there would be no landing, and probably the establishment of the emergency disaster response headquarters was reported. It’s like observing the progress while preparing for the situation.

もし、そうなっていたら「想定 外」でおなじみの特命担当大臣 (防災担当)が本部長になっていたかもしれない。そして、ゴジラが上 陸。慌てふためいて緊急災害対策 本部を設置するという展開も想 像できる。

If that happened, the “unexpected” and familiar minister in charge of special missions (in charge of disaster prevention) might have been the general manager. Then Godzilla landed. It is possible to imagine the development of setting up an emergency disaster response headquarters in a hurry.

さて、もうひとつ、地方の首長が 設置する災害対策本部もある。政府対応と異なり、地方自治体は災 害の前線にある。そこで、政府より、いち早く災害対策本部設置に動くことが一般的だ。その後、政府が緊急災害対策本部を設置したら、自治体の災害対策本部もその指揮下に入ることになる。しかし、首長の権限が失われることはない。

By the way, there is also a disaster response headquarters set up by a local chief. Unlike government responses, local governments are at the forefront of disaster. Therefore, it is common for the government to move to the establishment of a disaster response headquarters earlier than the government. After that, if the government establishes an emergency disaster response headquarters, the disaster response headquarters of the local government will also come under its command. However, the authority of the chief is not lost.

みついし けんこづか光石研演じる小塚都知事が、自衛隊への出動要請が遅い政府に業 を煮やし、有害鳥獣駆除として自衛隊の治安出動を都から要請するシーンが出てくるが、地方自治 体の首長には、自衛隊の災害派遣、治安出動要請の権限がある。

Governor Kozuka, who plays Kozuka Mitsuishi Lab, has the authority to dispatch the Self-Defense Forces to disasters and request security operations.