The 80s was a great decade to grow up in. It was in the 80s, I graduated from high school and started college. It was in the 80s that Star Wars Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi were released. It was in the 80s, the VCR took over! And because of the VCR, all those great Showa Godzilla movies I saw could be rewatched over and over again. Did you have a VCR? Do you know what a VCR is? Before there were streaming services, 4K tvs, blu-rays and DVDs, there was the videocassette recorder, known simply as the VCR. A VCR is an electromechanical device that records analog audio and analog video from broadcast television or other source on a removable, magnetic tape videocassette, and can play back the recording. (Source: Wikipedia)