


『ゴジラ対ヘドラ』の終盤での戦いで、ゴジラがヘドリュー ム光線を受ける際、脚本上では 「ゴジラ、ウルトラマンよろしく十字構えで光線を受ける」と記してある。劇中では、ウルトラマンの必殺技スペシウム光線のように腕を瞬時にクロスさせた構えで光線を受けていた(正確には、スペシウム光線の構えとは少し違うが)。 光線を受けた左手の爪付近から、焼け焦げたような煙があがった。脚本では、光線を受けた時、「アチチチチッ!」とゴジラのセリフが入る。でも完成した作品にはもちろんそのセリフは入らず、熱いという表現を体でしている(当然です)。

In the final battle of “Godzilla vs. Hedorah,” when Godzilla receives the Hedrum ray, the script says “Godzilla, Ultraman receives the ray in a cross posture.” In the play, he received the light with his arms crossed instantly like Ultraman’s Special Move Specium Ray (although it is a little different from the Specium Ray’s stance to be exact). Burnt smoke rose from near the nails on his left hand, which received his rays. In the script, when receiving a ray of light, Godzilla’s line is entered, saying “Achichichichi!”. But, of course, the finished work doesn’t include that line, and the expression “hot” is used (naturally).

それと矢野研(やの・けん)の自宅にある遊び場には、ゴジラ、キングギドラなどと一緒にウルトラマンのソフビ人形が 置いてあった。子供の頃は大きくて強いヒーローに憧れ、それが研にとって、ゴジラやウルトラマンだと思う。

Also, at the playground at Yano Ken’s home, there was an Ultraman soft vinyl doll along with Godzilla and King Ghidorah. When he was a kid, he longed for a big and strong hero, which I think is Godzilla and Ultraman for Ken.


Ultraman is a full-scale giant hero born in Japan that appeared in the special effects TV series “Ultraman” (66 ~ 67), supervised by Eiji Tsuburaya, and produced all 39 episodes by TBS and Tsuburaya Productions. It became extremely popular with children and became a high-rated program.

設定は、M78星雲の光の国の宇宙人で、年齢は約2万歳。宇宙の墓場に運ぶ途中に怪獣ベムラーが逃げ出し、ウルトラマンはそれを追って地球に飛来するが、その際過って、科学特捜隊のハヤタ隊員が乗る小型ビートルに激突! 命を落としたハヤタに自らの命を与え、地球にとどまることになる。ハヤタからウルトラマンへの変身はベータカプセルを使い、ハヤタへ戻る時は両腕から放つリング状の光線を使う。ウルトラマンの地球での活動時間は、太陽エネルギーの消耗が早いため、わずか3分間に限られている。スペシウム光線は、ウルトラマン最大の必殺技である。

The setting is an alien in the land of light of the M78 nebula, and the age is about 20,000 years old. The monster Bemler escapes while carrying it to the graveyard in space, and Ultraman follows it and flies to the earth, but at that time, it crashes into a small beetle on which Hayata members of the Science Special Investigation Corps ride! It will give life and stay on the earth. The transformation from Hayata to Ultraman uses beta capsules, and when returning to Hayata, the ring-shaped rays emitted from his arms are used. Ultraman’s activity time on Earth is limited to only 3 minutes due to the rapid consumption of solar energy. Specium Ray is Ultraman’s greatest special move.

ちなみに『ゴジラ対ヘドラ』が劇場公開されたのが1971年7月。 それより4ヶ月前・・・・・・・・ 『帰ってきたウルトラマン』(71~72) のTV放映が4月から始まった。ヘドロまみれの海 草に覆われたヘドロ怪獣ザザーン(第1話)、バイパス道路が 開通したことでその自動車騒音により凶暴化した音波怪獣 シュガロン(第12話)、江東区15号地「夢の島」から現われたプラスチック怪獣ゴキネズラ(第22話)、地球の大気汚染 こ体を蝕まれたメイツ星人(第33話)など、 公害怪獣の登場、公害が絡んだエピソードが幾つか作られた。

By the way, “Godzilla vs. Hedorah” was released in theaters in July 1971. Four months before that … The TV broadcast of “Return of Ultraman” (71-72) began in April. From the Hedro monster Zazan (Episode 1) covered with Hedro-covered seaweed, the sonic monster Sugaron (Episode 12), which became ferocious due to the car noise caused by the opening of the bypass road, from “Dream Island” at No. 15 Koto-ku. Several episodes related to the appearance and pollution of pollution monsters were made, such as the plastic monster Gokinezula that appeared (Episode 22) and the air pollution of the earth, Mates Alien (Episode 33).

Source: Hedorah 公…怪獣の映像世界 (p 35)