
Several months ago, something amazing happened on the way to Twitter. In January, I received a message from Duo Creative on behalf TV Asahi (テレビ朝日) with request for a TV show appearance on their program “Land Sea Sky: Where on EARTH are we?” (陸海空 地球征服するなんて). I had to check my pulse. Could this be real? Indeed it was! About month later on Super Bowl Sunday a camera crew from the West coast arrive at my home. It was an amazing experience! I’m so grateful to TV Asahi, Shoko-Ando, David, and the entire Duo Creative team who worked to make this happen. The episode aired in March right around my birthday. I have not seen the episode yet and I will post it if and when it becomes available. Several people on Japanese twitter posted photos shown below (Thank you @tajimans and @kemushingodzi16). This experience took me back to my childhood years of watching and collecting Godzilla. Now my dream to be on Japanese TV for Godzilla has come true! Thank you so much TV Asahi!

100人がランキング! 日本人が驚いた 100 people ranked! Japanese were surprised
熱狂的な日本マニア Enthusiastic Japanese Mania
In アメリカ In America
6位マニア歴46年! 100体以上収集 6th place – Mania History 46 years! 100 or more collection
ポスターも自作するゴジラマニア Godzilla Mania also makes his own posters
サインもらったんですか? Did you get a signature?

It was created based on the famous behind the scene.

『ゴジラ対ガイガン』までの18年間 ほぼ全てで
中島春雄 Haruo Nakajima
1954年の「ゴジラ」第一作目から18年間 In almost all 18 years to “Godzilla vs. Gigan”
ほぼ全てゴジラの中に入っていた人物 A person who was almost all in Godzilla

My life was all about Saturday with Godzilla.

そしてゴジラ愛の強すぎるジョンさんは And John has a strong love for Godzilla
ゴジラマニアが教えてくれを Godzilla Mania tells me
ゴジラの珍しいポーズとは? What is Godzilla’s unusual pose?

Hey I can’t play.

It’s the Bandai MechaGodzilla.

約34年前に購入 Purchased about 34 years ago.
タグが付いてるのがスゴイ It is amazing that the tag is attached.

これが85年に初めて手に入れた This was first obtained in 85.

なに? What?
ゴジラがしゃべったのって知ってるかい? Do you know Godzilla talked?

(カズレーザー)聖地巡礼を。(Kazulasa) Holy land pilgrimage.
(麻木)なるほど。本当に すごい。(Masaki) I see. Really awesome.

たびたび 日本を訪れるようになった ジョンさん。John often came to visit Japan.
ジョンさん撮影 John’s photography

シェー Shee

Godzilla was pleased with his win over King Ghidorah and did the Shee

I liked Godzilla too and made it

Graphic designer