The Story of MechaGodzilla


★ 大怪獣シリーズ②

Large Monster Series ②

アンテナ Antenna
スペースチタニウム Space titanium
ユニソケット小型ミサイル Unisocket small missile
ジェットファイヤー Jetfire
スペースビームアイ Space beam eye
デストロイアーファイヤー Destroyer Fire
ミサイル Missile
ミサイル弾 Missile bullets
クロスアタックビーム Cross attack beam
ホーミューショット Homing shot
ミサイル弾 Missile bullets

身長 • 50メートル
体重 • 4万トン

Height • 50 meters
Weight • 40,000 tons

★ ゴジラ映画大全集 ★
Godzilla movie complete works

8月2日から8月24日まで、「ゴジラ対メカゴジラ」ほか、3本立て。有楽町「日劇」ほか全国主要都市で 公開

From August 2nd to August 24th, “Godzilla vs. MechaGodzilla” and 3 other books. Published in Yurakucho “Nippon Theater” and other major cities nationwide

Terror Monster Mechagodzilla Story

ロボット怪獣メカゴジラは、昭和49年に、大宇宙のブラック・ホール第三 惑星人によって、地球上の秘密基地で作られた。しかも、その目的は、地球侵略という、恐怖のスーパーロボットなのだ。その強さは、あの怪獣王ゴジラをなん度もダウンさせたほどだ。

The robot monster Mechagodzilla was created in 1974 by the Aliens from the Third Planet of the Black Hole in the universe at a secret base on the earth. Moreover, its purpose is to invade the earth, a horrifying super robot. Its strength is enough to bring down that the king of the monsters Godzilla many times.


Besides, it’s quite good to disguise. When Mechagodzilla first appeared, it looked just like Godzilla!!


This can be seen by listening to the testimony of Anguirus, who has been supportive of Godzilla since 1973. Hereafter, when his memory is recovered and configured from the brain cells of Anguirus, …


“____ Thank you very much. It was a foggy night. When I thought that Godzilla suddenly came out of the sea, I went up to the land and do the like. I’m angry, so if I fly around, it’s clear …………… ”


Anguirus is dead. That should be the case, and what Anguirus witnessed was Mechagodzilla’s disguised as a fake Godzilla. Anguirus was crushed by the superhuman Mechagodzilla and died.

友をなくした本物ゴジラは怒った。ニセモノ野郎、いい気になるなとニセゴジラめがけて必殺の放射能火炎!! 燃えあがったニセゴジラは、ついに、そのメカニックな正体をあらわした。

The real Godzilla who lost his friend got angry. Fake bastard, a deadly radioactive flame aimed at the fake Godzilla !! The burning fake Godzilla finally revealed its mechanic identity.

怒り狂うゴジラは伝説怪獣キングシーサーの助っ人を得て、メカゴジラの首をもぎとった。ところが、第三惑星人は、その破片から、またまた、メカゴジラ2号を翌50年に作った。しかし それも、怪獣王ゴジラによって、ふたたびく・つされてしまったのだ。

The angry Godzilla got the help of the legendary monster King Caesar and stripped Mechagodzilla’s neck. However, the Aliens from the Third Planet of the Black Hole made Mechagodzilla No. 2 from the fragments again in the following year 1975. However, he was once again struck by Godzilla, king of the monsters.

Secret Birth Story


“Godzilla vs. MechaGodzilla,” which was produced and released in 1974 and was called “Godzilla’s 20th Anniversary Movie,” greatly contributed to raising the popularity of Godzilla, which had not been well known to younger age groups, because the character of MechaGodzilla was really fresh. The children who saw the robot animation at that time were shocked by the intense presence.


Akihiko Iguchi, who is famous as a monster designer of the Ultraman series, was in charge of designing MechaGodzilla.

なにしろ、メカゴジラというキャラそくけっていぎゃくしゅう たいめいクターは、次回作が即決定し、「メカゴジラの逆襲」と映画題名にストレートに名前をだしたんだから、大スターなみのあつかいなのだ。

After all, the character MechaGodzilla is the same as a big star because the next work was decided immediately and the movie title was named “MechaGodzilla’s Counterattack” [The Terror of MechaGodzilla].