Godzilla vs Biollante (December 16, 1989) was an impressive installment in the Godzilla movie series. As the continuation of the story of Godzilla’s return in 1984, Godzilla vs Biollante was the first of the Godzilla Heisei Era with the passing of the death of Emperor Showa.1 The film stands out for many reasons such as its music and especially its story. Biollante is a story about the monstrous consequences when a father’s love for his dying daughter dangerously crosses moral and ethical boundaries of biotechnology fixated on exploiting Godzilla cells. This is a repeating storyline in Godzilla films worth revisiting. My favorite scene is the moment when Dr. Genichiro Shiragami, played by Koji Takahash, looks up at Biollante descending and says, 「ビオランテが… 進化している」 “Biollante is… evolving.” Like his monster, Shiragami evolves too. But an important moment in his personal transformation was lost in an early draft of the movie scenario.