The Cultural History of Godzilla – Pt 8


「ゴジラの精神史」The Cultural History of Godzilla 1954 by Shuntaro Ono (2014)
「ゴジラの精神史」The Cultural History of Godzilla 1954 by Shuntaro Ono (2014)

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第一章 叙事詩としての『ゴジラ』
Chapter 1 “Godzilla” as an epic

北緯二十四度 東経百四十一度
24 degrees north latitude 141 degrees east longitude


If you ask, “How does Godzilla move?,” the correct answer would be “Godzilla is a costume, so Haruo Nakajima, the suit actor inside, moves it.” However, in the fiction of a movie, just by physically moving Godzilla’s body does not work on people’s minds. A story needs meaning to be brought to life. Moreover, the effect is amplified many times when it is connected with the element sleeping in the heart of the audience.


The first question I would like to ask is what is the story engine that moves Godzilla. It’s not difficult to capture Godzilla as a natural disaster such as an earthquake, and it certainly has that element. However, even if Godzilla is superimposed on a natural phenomenon, in the end it is a creature that humans can defeat. We witness Godzilla’s death at the end of the movie. Typhoons and tsunamis can’t be beaten or exterminated by humans, but in this movie Godzilla is not immortal, but linked to dragons and dragons with limited lives. As a result, the feature of the movie “Godzilla” is that it fits into the pattern of “epic” and “heroic myth” in which the hero defeats monsters and foreign enemies. We will make that point clear in this chapter.

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映画は「賛助 海上保安庁」の文字から始まる。海が物語の鍵となるのが、ここではっきりとする。しかも、この協力のおかげで五二年に就航したばかりの巡視船「しきね」が何度も姿を見せるのだ。船名は伊豆諸島の式根島に由来する。

The movie begins with the words “Supporting Japan Coast Guard.” It is clear here that the sea is key to the story. Moreover, thanks to this cooperation, the patrol ship “Shikine,” which entered service in 1952, has been seen many times. Her ship’s name comes from Shikinejima in the Izu Islands.


Then, along with the Toho logo, Godzilla’s uneasy footsteps resound three times, and the title “Godzilla” fills the screen with a roar. After that, the names of the producers and performers were listed from bottom to top, starting with Tomoyuki Tanaka, the producer. From the beginning of the movie, the audience was trained to look up at Godzilla. When the footsteps break off and the words Akira Ifukube appear, a famous song that has been established as the “Godzilla theme” is played. However, in the movie, this song is also used when large heavy machinery and ambulances move with the tank at the head, so it is not a theme that simply announces the turn of the monster Godzilla.

映像は一転して貨物船栄光丸の航跡が浮かびあがり、船上では船員たちがギターを奏でたり、ハーモニカを吹いたりして、穏やかな南洋ムードを楽しんでいた。そこに白い光が輝き、船が揺れていきなり浸水し、船が炎上していき、SOSが打電される。それを受けた海上保安庁の無線施設が映しだされる。そして「南海汽船所属、貨物船栄光丸七千五百トンは、八月十三日十九時〇五分、北緯二十四度、東経百四十一度二分付近において遭難」という詳細な情報が伝えられるのだ。これが私たちがたどれるゴジラの最初の出現地点である。この栄光丸を助けようとした備後丸も遭難し、さらに 生存者を救おうとした大戸島の漁船までもが次々と被害にあう。ビキニ水爆では、第五福竜丸以外に第十三「光栄」丸も被害にあっているので「栄光」丸はその名残かもしれない。

The image suddenly changed to show the wake of the Eiko Maru cargo ship, and sailors on board were playing guitars and harmonica, enjoying the calm mood of the South Seas. A white light shines there, the ship shakes and suddenly floods, the ship bursts into flames, and an SOS is sent. The radio facility of the Japan Coast Guard that received it is projected. And the detailed information that “The 7,500-ton freighter Eiko Maru, belonging to Nankai Kisen, was in distress at 19:05 on August 13 at 24 degrees north latitude, 141 degrees east longitude and 2 minutes east” is conveyed. This is the first appearance of Godzilla that we can trace. The Bingo Maru, which tried to help Eiko Maru, was also wrecked, and even the fishing boats on Odo Island that tried to save her survivors were damaged one after another. In addition to the Daigo Fukuryu Maru, the No. 13 “Koei” Maru was also damaged by the Bikini Hydrogen Bomb, so the “Eiko” Maru may be a remnant of that.