The Cruel Gods of Lost World


Monsters seen from the genealogy of the mythical world


Mankind has gained a richer life through the ever-developing science and technology. However, on the other hand, it also brought unwanted things to the earth, such as environmental destruction and war. The symbol is the existence of monsters such as Godzilla.

The Cruel Gods of Lost World


In the “Godzilla” series, monsters that gather the faith of human beings and are worshiped as “God” frequently appear.


A “good god” that gives humans like Mothra and King Caesar. On the other hand, there are dangerous beings such as Battra and Manda that can sometimes harm humans, and there are various ways of doing so.


This is not limited to the “Godzilla” series. Similar motifs are found in special effects films other than Toho, such as Daiei’s “Gamera” series and “Daimajin,” which were produced around the same time as the Showa series, and the identification of monsters and gods is by no means local.

そもそも、旧約聖書に登場する巨大な神獣のベヒモスとレヴィア タンや、中国の青龍、朱雀、白虎、玄武からなる四神など、古くから「怪獣」を信仰対象とする例は数多い。

In the first place, there are many examples of worshiping “monsters” from ancient times, such as the giant behemoths Behemoth and Leviatan that appear in the Old Testament, and the four gods consisting of the Chinese blue dragon, suzaku, white tiger, and genbu.

Vermilion Bird (Zhū Què), whose Japanese name is Suzaku, the bird guardian of the South and one of the Four Symbols of Chinese constellations.

Genbu is the Black Tortoise is one of the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellations.

わが国日本でも、仏教の伝来ととやしゃらせつ もに、夜叉や羅刹などの人に害をなす荒ぶる神を祀り、守護神として崇める風習=荒神信仰が始まっている。これこそまさに、映画内で表現されていた、怪獣信仰の原型と呼んでも差し支えないだろう。

Even in Japan, the custom of worshiping the deity as a guardian, which enshrines the raging gods that are harmful to people such as Yaksha and Rakshasa, has begun. This is exactly the prototype of the monster belief that was expressed in the movie.

The yakshas are a broad class of nature-spirits, usually benevolent, but sometimes mischievous or capricious.

A Rakshasa is a demon or unrighteous spirit in Hindu mythology.

シリーズ第25作『ゴジラ・モスラ・キングギドラ大怪獣総攻撃』では、この荒神信仰をメインテーマのひとつとして掘り下げており、古代日本で暴れまわった魏怒羅(=キングギドラ)、最珠羅(=モスラ)、婆羅護(=パラゴン)などといった大怪獣たちが、のちの日本 で「護国聖獣」としてまつられていたという設定が語られる。

In the 25th work of the series, “Godzilla, Mothra, and King Ghidorah Great Monsters All-Out Attack,” delves into this Kojin faith as one of the main themes), large monsters such as Ghidorah (= Paragon) are said to have been enshrined as “Gokoku Holy Beasts” in Japan later.

Kōjin, also known as Sambō-Kōjin or Sanbō-Kōjin (三宝荒神), is the Japanese kami (god) of fire, the hearth and the kitchen.

Paragon is a person or thing regarded as a perfect example of a particular quality.

Gokoku means the defense of one’s country.

制御できないほどの強大な力を持つ怪獣たちに対して、なすすべ のない人間たちが反抗ではなく恭順の道を選び、崇拝を持って接するのは無理からぬことだろう。しかし結局のところ、古代人たちが怪獣を信仰した理由というものは、そのような損得ではなく、もっと単純なものだったのではないか。

It is no wonder that innocent humans choose the path of rebellion rather than rebellion and treat them with worship against monsters with uncontrollable power. But in the end, the reason why the ancients worshiped monsters was not such a loss or gain, but a simpler one.

映画を観た我々が、ゴジラの強さに目を奪われるように、古代人 たちも、巨大な獣たちの圧倒的な強さに憧れを抱き、熱狂していただけだったのでは・・・・・・と夢想してしまうのだ。

Just as we who watched the movie were fascinated by Godzilla’s strength, the ancients were just enthusiastic about the overwhelming strength of the giant beasts … and dream about …

Source: ゴジラ完全解読 (宝島社, p 84)