Tezuka Osamu on Godzilla


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19 ゴジラ・グラフィティ
19 Godzilla Graffiti

Tezuka Osamu

Osamu Tezuka (手塚 治虫, born 手塚 治, Tezuka Osamu; 3 November 1928 – 9 February 1989) was a Japanese manga artist, cartoonist, and animator. Born in Osaka Prefecture, his prolific output, pioneering techniques, and innovative redefinitions of genres earned him such titles as “the Father of Manga” (マンガの父, Manga no Chichi), “the Godfather of Manga” (マンガの教父, Manga no Kyōfu) and “the God of Manga” (マンガの神様, Manga no Kami-sama). Additionally, he is often considered the Japanese equivalent to Walt Disney, who served as a major inspiration during Tezuka’s formative years.(Source: Wikipedia)

最近古レコードの値が上っているそうだけど、「ゴジラさん」という唄のレコードをご存じか。五年前までぼくもたしかに持っていたのだけ引越しの時、行方不明になってしまった。今年のSF大会の時何百人か のヤングファンに訊いてみたが、二、 三人しか知らなかった。ゴジラさ んゴジラさん すごい顔で口の火を はいてビルも通りもひとまたぎ…。裏は「うちのアンギラス」という唄なのだ。

I heard that the price of old records is rising recently, but do you know the record of the song “Godzilla-san”? I did have one up until five years ago, but it went missing when I moved. I asked hundreds of young fans at this year’s SF convention, and only a few knew. It’s Godzilla, he’s Mr. Godzilla. The reverse side is the song “Uchi no Anguirus”.


This record was sold as part of advertising when the cylinder was made after Godzilla’s big hit, but it is said that it is now worth a lot. With the Godzilla boom, another Godzilla movie will be made. Despite the commotion in Japan, Godzilla’s popularity in America is beyond imagination. Starting with Chicago, there are Godzilla fan clubs all over the country. Although most of them are Japanese tokusatsu movie fan clubs rather than Godzilla.

アメリカのゴジラファンは、ゴジラの原典は知らない。観たのはアメリカ版ゴジラ例のレイモンド・バー主演というやつである。ぼくはたしか日劇で数日間だけ上映した時観たけれど、正直いって、ゲッソリしてしまった。当時、レイ モンド・バーという俳優は日本ではヒッチコックの「裏窓」の悪役以外まだそれほど有名ではなくって、なぜこんな脇役を使ったのか、やっぱリプログラムピクチュア並の扱いだ なと感じたが、実はその頃彼もアメリカじゃアイアンサイド役で売れっ子になっていたのだ。

American Godzilla fans don’t know the original Godzilla. What I saw was the American version of Godzilla starring Raymond Burr. I think I saw it when it was screened for a few days at Nichigeki, but to be honest, I was exhausted. At that time, the actor Raymond Burr was not very well known in Japan except for his role as the villain in Hitchcock’s “Rear Window.” At that time, he was also popular in the United States as Ironside.


The incident that Raymond Burr experienced in Japan means that Japan is treated as a foreign country in the East. In the original, the hordes of people running away from Godzilla were splendidly set in Tokyo, but in the American version, they look like a riot of overseas Chinese in Manila, Hong Kong.


That should be it, all the characters involved in Raymond Burr are played by Mr. Sokkuri, a Chinese actor. For example, Takashi Shimura. The face that is facing here is certainly using the original, but the [actor] that is facing away and talking with Barr, the back view is replaced by a second-generation Chinese actor. I remember being so pissed off until the end of the movie because of this.


However, Godzilla is, along with Toshiro Mifune’s samurai films, the representative and most profitable Japanese film in the United States.


Five or six years ago, when I went to Hanna-Barbera Productions, a major animation company, I was surprised to hear that they were making a TV anime about Godzilla.

「だって、アメリカじゃアニメの暴カシーンに対して、きびしい規制 があるんでしょう? ゴジラみたいな暴力と破壊の権化みたいなの、よく作れるもんですねー」

“Because, in America, there are strict regulations on violent scenes in anime, right? Godzilla-like representations of violence and destruction can be created quite well.”

“No, the Godzilla we make is a good Godzilla.”



“Godzilla who likes children, and one of his friends is a regular guest. Godzilla does everything for people.”


Even so, it is a project that does not seem to be interesting.


“By the way, Tezuka, can you subcontract the production of this project with an otaku?”

and President Barbera.

“No, I’m sorry…”


I’m glad I declined. Hanna-Barbera Pro is notoriously bad for anime fans who say it’s more ugly than quality (for example, when I was there the other day, they were making a TV anime featuring the Japanese video game packman as the main character). This Godzilla animation was finally not bought in Japan.

「バンビ、ゴジラに思う」という有名なアマチュア・アニメ映画がある。これのビデオカセットなんか、アマチュア映画の中ではかなり売れた方だ そうである。

There is a famous amateur animated movie called “Bambi Thinks Godzilla.” The videocassette of this one sold quite well among amateur movies, he said.

うちにあるアメリカのコミック誌に、ゴジラが、サンタクロースの格好をして日本の住宅地を片っ端からふみ潰して歩く、というのがある。日本の住宅というのが、エレクトロニクスを駆使した未来的な建物で、そこの主人がなんと、かのアセチレン ・ランプ氏なのである。もちろんぼくが書いたのではありません。

In one of our American comic magazines, Godzilla dresses up as Santa Claus and walks through residential areas in Japan. Houses in Japan are futuristic buildings that make full use of electronics, and the owner of them is Mr. Acetylene Lamp. Of course I didn’t write it.

二十年前、虫プロダクションでは「鉄腕アトム」「ジャングル大帝」に つづいて「W3(ワンダースリー)」をテレビにのせた。前半、視聴率は上々であった(対抗馬がなかったから)。

Twenty years ago, Mushi Production put “W3 (Wonder Three)” on TV following “Astro Boy” and “Jungle Emperor.” In the first half, the audience rating was excellent (because there was no rival horse).

“Wonder Three” is a Japanese comic series and a black-and-white Japanese animated television series created by Osamu Tezuka in the 1960s. (Source: Wikipedia


However, from the next New Year, Tsuburaya Productions’ first TV drama will come to a counterprogram of “W3”.


A person from the bureau informs me, “Everything is a special effect every week, so if you don’t get it, it will be a big deal.”

“What kind of special effects?”


“It’s Godzilla. They put out a different Godzilla every week, and it seems that the stuffed toy alone has protruding legs.”

“What are the various Godzillas?”

「アザラシのゴジラとかモグラのゴジラとか······タイトルは「ウルトラ Q」とかいいましたが……とにかく「W3」にはひびきませんよ」

“Godzilla the seal, Godzilla the mole…the title was “Ultra Q,” but… anyway, it doesn’t sound like “W3.”


Hearing that, I panicked, turned pale, and shouted at the staff.

「とんでもない! こんな強敵ってあるか! 視聴率喰われるぞ! ゴジラなら絶対当る!「W3」をもっとおもしろくしろ!シナリオを書きなおせ! 一大事だ!」

“No way! Is there such a formidable opponent?! The audience rating will be eaten up! Godzilla will definitely win! Make ‘W3’ more interesting! Rewrite the scenario! It’s a big deal!”

そして正月、ついにその日が来、ぼくも[……]「ウルトラQ」の第一話を見 た。ぼくもいたが、ほくの息子の興奮ぷりは凄いものであった。目はランランと輝き、喰い込むようにゴメスとリトラの猛威を見つめていた。 クライマックスが終ってから、ぼく はわが「W3」へチャンネルを変え た。 その動きやアクションのみすぼ らしさ。「ああ、これで負けた!」と感じた。

Then, on New Year’s Day, the day finally came, and I […] watched the first episode of “Ultra Q.” I was there, but Hoku’s son’s excitement was amazing. His eyes shined brightly, staring at Gomez and Litra’s fury as if biting into them. After the climax ended, I changed the channel to my “W3” and he did. His movements and actions are his peculiarities. I felt like, “Oh, I lost!”


As expected, the audience rating of “W3” has been steadily declining since that week. Since then, Tsuburaya Pro’s Ultra series has started to follow the popular road of the world.


Mr. Tsuburaya was jealous and envious, but I had no choice but to wipe Kabuto. I met him several times before he disappeared.

「手塚さん、私はね、ライフワークと自認できるものを一度つくりたいのですよ」と円谷氏はしみじみと云 われた。

“Tezuka-san, I want to make something that I can consider my life’s work,” Mr. Tsuburaya said earnestly.

“Isn’t there ‘Godzilla’!”

「いえ、私がつくりたいのはファンタジーなんですよ。『オズの魔法使い』があるでしょう。ああいったメルヘン……ほれ、『かぐや姫』なんですよ私の目標は。どうしてもあれを生涯の総決算としてやりたい。 手塚さん、二人で企画しませんか?」

“No, what I want to create is fantasy. There’s ‘The Wizard of Oz’, right? That kind of fairy tale… Look, ‘Kaguyahime’ is my goal. Tezuka-san, would you like to plan it together?”

Kaguya-hime (かぐや姫, “Princess Kaguya”), the main character in The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter, thought to be the oldest Japanese folktale (Source: Wikipedia).


“‘Kaguyahime’ is good, but something that follows ‘Godzilla’…”


“Rather than that, I want to create the ultimate ‘Kaguyahime’.”


And that dream never came true.


After all, even if I can make a movie like “Kaguyahime, I think of Godzilla,” no matter what.

(Source: @godzillamichi)