Teruyoshi Nakano Interview – Part 1


Teruyoshi Nakano Interview

P 63

“Godzilla vs. MechaGodzilla” “Terror of MechaGodzilla”

特技監督 中野昭慶
Special Effects Director Teruyoshi Nakano

[10,000 characters interview] Directing MechaGodzilla


46 years ago from now. The man who drew the spectacular spectacle of the big hit movie “Japan Sinks” immediately after challenged Godzilla’s 20th anniversary commemorative work and produced the strongest villain star of Showa special effects with a powerful and colorful production.


What does MechaGodzilla mean to special effects director Akiyoshi Nakano? Performance secrets.


We will deliver an interview in 10,000 characters in which he continued to explode with passion for 4 hours.

Interviewed and composed by Kento Tomoi and Atsushi Imai

Creation of MechaGodzilla from Space

——— メカゴジラというキャラクターの誕生は?
When was the character MechaGodzilla born?

中野 Nakano


Producer Tomoyuki Tanaka, when he was thinking about making a Godzilla 20th anniversary work, he came to ask me, “Do you have any ideas?” I remember saying, “What if a robot Godzilla is pit against Godzilla? No Godzilla before Godzilla, no Godzilla after Godzilla.” I don’t know if my words were decisive. After all, it was a busy time with “Japan Sinks” (1973), so I don’t know when the decision was made or what the process was.

——— メカゴジラに決定したときは、特技監督としてはどう思われましたか?

As a special effects director, what did you think when you decided on MechaGodzilla?

中野 Nakano


Anyway, the setting is that aliens made it from space metal, and the most important thing is to have persuasive power so that anyone who sees it will nod “that’s it” to the visual. The design changed the original Godzilla line to something metallic, but when making a Godzilla robot, I removed the features that an earthling would do. It’s the color above all. Every time during the Champion Festival, I was particular about the color of the monster’s body, but in order to express the hardness of the metal in the costume at that time, I chose a silver color. MechaGodzilla is silver against black Godzilla, so it’s easy to understand the composition of the confrontation between the two. So I remember saying, “Don’t put dirt on it.”

――― ひと目で宇宙から来たと分かる姿にしたかったと。

――― You wanted to make it so that you could tell at a glance that it came from outer space.

中野 Nakano


Yes, so I have a big mouth (laughs). You have to look to be convinced. Unlike today, robots were unfamiliar in Japan at the time, let alone “giant robots made of space metal from outer space.” In such an era, it’s hard to create a figure that no one sees and says, “It’s not from Earth.”

――― 当時のアクションテストの写真を見ると、いったんダークな色に塗られて、そこからシルバーに戻されたようですね(18ページ参照)。

――― Looking at the photos of the action test at the time, it seems that it was once painted in a dark color and then changed back to silver (see page 18).

中野 Nakano


The art staff tried to make it look real by all means, but that’s the feeling of the earth, and MechaGodzilla is a space metal, so I wanted the metal feeling to be exposed. For that reason, I added something like a rivet to the body surface of MechaGodzilla in order to directly express that it is made of metal.

――― 今ではメカゴジラの特徴を説明するとき、全身リベットと二の腕の「MGマーク」が最初に出てくるくらい浸透しています。一方でデザイナーの井口昭彦さんのように、リベットを付けことで巨大感や宇宙的イメージから遠ざかったという意見もあるのですが、いかがですか?

――― Now, when I explain the features of MechaGodzilla, the whole body rivets and the “MG mark” on the upper arm are the first to come out. On the other hand, like designer Akihiko Iguchi, there are those who say that adding rivets distanced them from the sense of giganticness and cosmic imagery. What do you think?

中野 Nakano


Rivets I will admit I said it. But even children can tell at a glance that the rivets are used to fasten hard metal with screws. For upper grades of elementary school, rivets may not be necessary, but the point is, as a creator, it is important to be able to communicate to small children such as infants.

P 64

チャンピオンまつりの宣伝で子どもたちを撮影所に招待して、ゴジラについて意見や感想を聞いたことがあるけど、「ゴジラはオスなの? メスなの?オチンチンはあるの?」って(笑)。そういう子どもたちに、ど面白がってもらうかが大切なんだよ。それに、SFに地球人の理論をいちいち当てはめていくのはロマンがないよ。いや、これはヤケクソなんかじゃなくてね(笑)。UFOをロマンとして楽しむか、それとも非科学的だと笑うかの違いですよ。僕はロマンと感じてもらいたい。なんせ、こちらは大ボラを吹いているんだから(笑)。

I once invited children to the shooting studio to promote the Champion Festival and asked them their opinions and impressions about Godzilla. It’s important to keep the children entertained. Besides, it’s not romantic to apply earthling theories to science fiction. No, this is not a disgrace (laughs). It’s the difference between enjoying UFOs romantically or laughing at them as unscientific. I want you to feel romantic. After all, this is from a big mouth (laughs).


――― It is often said that the “MG” mark is an alphabet, but what do you think?

中野 Nakano


“What are you picking up on the big mouth?” (laughs). No, the art staff added it without my knowledge, but I personally think it’s better to have it than nothing. The foundation of design is playful mischief. Maybe it’s a message from aliens far beyond the intelligence of earthlings, and even if they are rivets, even though it looks like that to earthlings, it might actually be covered all over with radar equipment. (laughs) If people who have a lot of sensibilities and love romance can enjoy the movie, that’s fine. But it’s funny how the fans are talking about it.


Teruyoshi Nakano special effects director of “Godzilla vs. MechaGodzilla.” 38 years old at the time. His youth and passion poured his hot blood into MechaGodzilla.

Source: 昭和メカゴジラ, PP 63-64