Shin Godzilla Confidential


Confidential 18

16,000 shots hit?

ゴジラへの着弾数が少なく見えると感じた人もいるだろう。 だが機関砲の弾はとても速くて小さく、肉眼では分からない。そこで何発かに1発 発光体を内蔵した曳光弾を発射しているのだ。 射手は曳光弾を頼りに命中位置を修正する。映像でゴジラに向かって飛んでいるのは、この曳光弾の光なのだ。

Some may find that the number of shots on Godzilla seems to be low. However, the bullets of the cannon are so fast and small that they cannot be seen with the naked eye. Therefore, one of them fires a tracer ammunition with a built-in illuminant. The shooter relies on tracer ammunition to correct the hit position. It is the light of this tracer that is flying toward Godzilla in the image.

Source: シン・ゴジラ機密研究読本 (Shin Godzilla Confidential Research Reader, KADOKAWA p 23)