Shin Godzilla Confidential 26


Confidential 26

What is “Taba”?

多摩の語源として、平安時代中期に作られた辞書「和名類聚抄」に 「太婆」の注釈があったり、多摩川の上 流に丹波川(たばがわ)があることから、古くは「タバ」と呼ばれていたという説がある。

As the etymology of Tama, there is an annotation of “Taiko” in the dictionary “Wamyo Ruijusho” made in the middle of the Heian period, and the Taba River is located in the upper stream of the Tama River. There is a theory that it was called “Taba.”

[The Wamyo ruijusho or Wamyo ruijusho is a 938 CE Japanese dictionary of Chinese characters. The Heian period scholar Minamoto no Shitago began compilation in 934, at the request of Emperor Daigo’s daughter. It is is the oldest extant Japanese dictionary organized into semantic headings, analogous to a Western language thesaurus. It survives in both a 10-volume edition. Source: Wikipedia]

実際の自衛隊でも作戦名がつけられる場合がある。東日本大震災の時には「福島の光明作戦」や「大和一丸作戦」などがあった。作戦名からは、その作戦に込められた思いが伝わってくるようだ。作戦名は連隊長がつけることがあり、 連隊長のセンスが問われる。

Even in the actual Self-Defense Forces, the operation name may be given. At the time of the Great East Japan Earthquake, there were “Operation Komei of Fukushima” and “Operation Yamato Ichimaru.” The name of the operation seems to convey the thoughts put into that operation. The name of the operation may be given by the regimental commander, and the sense of the regimental commander is questioned.

Source: シン・ゴジラ機密研究読本 (Shin Godzilla Confidential Research Reader, KADOKAWA p 27)