Updated 8.30.17
Last month I picked up Scientific American Japanese Edition (日経サイエンス日本版) for fascinating feature articles entitled “the Science of Shin Godzilla”『シン•ゴジラの科学「進化」から考える』and『折り紙に隠された秘密』(pp 40-59). Although it is and will be a slow march to completion, I will begin posting my translations as I make progress. Where additional explanation is required I’ve used square brackets [ ]. The following translations are my own. I apologize for mistakes in advance. When citing please provide the appropriate credit to MyKaiju.com and link to this page.
シン•ゴジラの科学 The Science of Godzilla
The state-of-the-art science in the fictitious background of “Gigantic Unknown Creature Gojira.”
Keywords “evolution,” “new elements,” “extremophiles,” etc.
中島林彦 (編集部) Nakajima Hayashi (Editorial)
協力: 長沼 毅 (広島大学)/松本義久 (東京工業大学) Cooperation: Takeshi Naganuma (Hiroshima) / Yoshihisa Matsumoto (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
藤倉克則 (海洋研究開機構) Katsunori Fujikura (marine research and development organization)
Pages 40-41
東京に突如、信じられないほど巨大な未和の生物が出現し、災厄をもたらす。Suddenly in Tokyo, an incredibly huge organisms emerged bringing disaster.
Using CG (Computer Graphics) video technologies and such, the gigantic creature was set in familiar Tokyo landscapes and realistic depictions of the government and the Self-Defense Forces were created, the moviegoer was drawn into the screen more and more.
In the climax, the giant creature that became overwhelming strong turns Tokyo into a sea of flames. Many people were surprised filled with feelings of despair and helplessness.
The movie Shin Godzilla was a big hit (In this article is included the description of related content.)
The background of this hit is the real Japan that was hit by the unexpected Great East Japan Earthquake and Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident.
We were taken when watching the nuclear power plant buildings blew up one after the other and when three nuclear reactor cores melted down releasing large amounts of radioactive material released into the atmosphere like the scene of a nightmare. Similarly, the scene of Godzilla blowing radioactive material, causing many people evacuated, seemed to be real.
The other is that the feeling of reality in the story based on the real science used to build the fiction of “the large creature Godzilla.”
“Nuclear power,” “new elements,” “morphological changes (transformation)” “extremophiles,” etc.
appeared as keywords related to Godzilla’s life activity.
“Super science soldiers” don’t appear in the Godzilla countermeasure plan.
After the failure of a concentrated attack with fighter aircraft and missiles, tanks and normal troops,
they acquired the “Blood liquid muscle agent” and “control restrain agent” for use as a medicine for Godzilla as their trump card strategy, similar to the well-known strategy from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident, to use pump trucks, also known as a “giraffe,” to send liquid into high places with great pressure (photo on page 48).
Shin Godzilla was released on July 29, 2016 nationwide by Toho.
脚本・ 総監督・編集:庵野秀明
Screenplay, general director and editing: Anno Hideaki
Supervision and special skill Director: Shinji Higuchi
Associate Director, Skills Summary: Katsuro Onoe
Starring: Hiromi Hasegawa, Yutaka Takenouchi, Satomi Ishihara
このようにみてくると「シン•ゴジラ」は怪獣映画というよりも一級のSF作品として評価 した方がふさわしいことがわかる。
In this way, Shin Godzilla is worthy to be evaluated as SF work primarily rather than a monster movie.
Pages 42-43
In production, Hiroshima University professor Naganuma Takeshi, known in the study of extremophiles, at the time of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant accident and described in the media as specializing in radiobiology, and Associate Professor Toshihisa Matsumoto of Tokyo Institute of Technology and Researcher Jun Mitani of the University of Tsukuba, who is known for origami research provides a scenario and depiction in real life.
Professor of Geophysics, Takeuchi Hitoshi of Tokyo University was in the original hit movie Submersion of Japan (1973) that used the original work of the quite out-of-date science fiction novels of Sakyo Komatsu (At that time. He served as the founder and editor-in-chief of the science magazine Newton. He died in 2004) and his cooperation is well known.
Yutaka Takenouchi appeared as a geophysicist in the movie. In those days, the new theory “plate tectonics” had begun to be known as the measurement of the movement of the earth inside in general.
In Shin Godzilla, Professor Naganuma was one of the people evacuated from Tokyo on buses.
Examples where scientists are in SF movie and television programs is greater oversees.
近年の例では宇宙を舞台とした「インターステラー」(2014年)で、重力理論やブラックホールの研究で世界的に知られるカリフォリニア工科大学のソーン名誉教授(Kip Thorne)が協力したことが有名だ。
In recent years, Professor Emeritus, Thorne of California Institute of Technology (Kip Thorne), world renown for his theory of gravity and black hole research, cooperated with “Interstellar” (2014) which was set in outer space.
Although much higher estimation of the movie itself, the depiction of black holes (under Thorne’s supervision) and such things have been discussed.
「SCIENCE. FICTION.」と題したこの特集で取り上げているのはSF作家ウェルズ(Herbet G. Wells, 1866~1946年)の『宇宙戦争』『タイムマシン』『モロー博土の島『透明人間」などの小説とSFテレビ番組『スタートトック』。
Entitled “Science. Fiction.” in this special feature, SF writer Wells (Hebert G. Wells, 1866~1946), writer of “War of the Words,” “Time Machine,” novel and SF TV shows such as “Island of Dr Morrow,” novels, and SF TV program “Star Trek.”
On the cover of a special publication issue of Well’s original novel Hollywood movie “War of the Worlds,” there are illustration of three-legged robots towering over a town of another planet.
By the way, last year was Wells 150th birthday (70 years since his death), 50 years from the start of the broadcasting “Star Trek” (1966) in the United States, it began broadcasting in Japan in 1969 under the title “Epic Universe.”
Now, in this magazine, let’s consider the science and fiction regarding Shin Godzilla.
Professor Naganuma of the Tokyo Institute of Technology, and Matsumoto, Associate Professor at Hiroshima University both cooperated in the filmmaking, and Katsunori Fujikura, Senior Research Fellow of Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), and familiar with the deep-sea organisms in general, were interviewed and summarized in the article.
Biological key word is “evolution.”
When looking at Shin Godzilla, Godzilla by nature is a deep-sea or under-the-sea kind of living organism. Its story begins from the dumping of radioactive waste in its habitat.
Its first appearance, although not depicted, at the time it came to Tokyo Bay, is thought to be in a shape like a fish having a long tail (No 1 form).
Likely undergoing a transformation in the bay, it made landfall and went up Tokyo’s Tama River, changing into its second form like an amphibian when it appeared before people.
Godzilla in its second form, went north crawling up the road heading toward Shinagawa and unexpectedly stopped for a moment and changed into its third form resembling a reptile suitable for activity on land.
After that, previously disappearing in Tokyo Bay, it made landfall in Kamakura of Sagami Bay, having changed into the usual image of a monster (No 4 form) resembling a carnivorous dinosaur, and its
size became larger.
This was not the last form of Godzilla in the story.
It was said that potentially change into a winged animal able to cross the Pacific Ocean.
In the last scene of the movie, it downsized and changed its appearance into a form resembling humans, suggesting that it would make a colony.
The colony was a great number of bodies sticking together, having turned into the one form (superorganism) as if it were one single individual.
Grand fiction that arises from advanced science
Shin Godzilla is a science fiction production that represents Japan rather than a monster movie.
It’s an opportunity to get to know science deeply, and to become a force to develop science and technology.
■ キーワードは「進化」。ゴジラは生命進化の歴史を早回しで体現していると解釈できるかもしれない。ゴジラのスーパーな能力は「極限環境微生物」のサイエンスがフィクションのベースにありそうだ。
Keyword “Evolution.” Godzilla Godzilla embodies the history of the evolution of life in fast forward. This may be an interpretation. The super abilities of Godzilla seems to be based in “extremophiles” science fiction.
■ ゴジラが進む「新元素」は、現在、各国の間で発見が競われている長寿命を持つ超重元素の同位体、「安定の島」に属するものかもしれない。
Currently, the “new elements” that Godzilla produces, has isotopes of superheavy element that have a long life (contested between nations) and might possibly belong to “island of stability”
[In nuclear physics, the island of stability is the prediction that a set of heavy isotopes with a near magic number of protons and neutrons will temporarily reverse the trend of decreasing stability in elements heavier than uranium.]
Throughout “Shin Godzilla,” the biological keyword is “Evolution,” as Godzilla appears in Tokyo Bay might be the history of life on earth evolving to birds and humans from fish embodied and explained in fast forward.
The driving force that gave birth to a biological species would cause such a morphological change, is mutation due to the fact that the genome of Godzilla was changed by the radiation dumped as nuclear waste. As part of such mutation, it was determined that its structure was able to increase its body size by using nuclear power as food.
So first think about science and fiction connecting nuclear and biological.
A huge organism, such as Godzilla, of course is fiction, but surprisingly, there is a microorganism that eats radiation, that is, nuclear fission energy.
Hiroshima University Professor Naganuma, known as the “Indiana Jones of the scientific community,” going to the severe cold of the Antarctica and Arctic, scorching desert, to the dark great water pressure of the deep sea, and to remote places such as high mountain peaks of Africa and the like, has the astonishing ability to find extreme environment organisms. He said, “It was shocking,” a thesis in 2008 Science magazine reported this microorganism.
This microorganism, taken from 2800 m underground in the suburbs of the Muponen Gold Mine of Johannesburg in the Republic of South Africa, discovered in 60°C groundwater.
「デスルフォルディス•アウダックスヴィアトール(Desulforudis audaxviator)」という学名が暫定的に付けられている。
The scientific name “Desulforudis audaxviator” has been tentatively applied.
There is no organic matter to be used as food for microorganisms, “It is dark inorganic matter surrounded by rocks” (Takamori Naganuma).
Its food is hydrogen produced by water radiolysis, all sorts of ions begin to dissolve from the rocks.
What we learned up to now is roughly the following story.
In the Muponen Gold Man, uranimum ore (a mineral consisting of uranium dioxide), deposited ore, groundwater decomposes due to the putting out of radiation, hydrogen, and hydrogen peroxide molecules mix into underground water.
Desulforudis audaxviator generates hydrogen ions from hydrogen water molecules from hydrogen molecules using the enzyme on the outer surface of the cell membrane, and a region with high hydrogen ion concentration is create outside the cell membrane.
[Definition: Desulforudis audaxviator is a monotypic bacterium, which lives in depths from 1.5 km to 3 km below the Earth’s surface in the groundwater.]
Then, an large increase of hydrogen ion concentration occurs by sandwiching the cell membrane, hydrogen ions pass through ATP-matched enzyme and flow into the cell (relative hydrogen ion concentration is relatively low).
ATP synthesis is a kind of molecular mechanism produced by living things.
It is like a burbine that rotates under the flow of hydrogen ions, using the rotation of this bioturbine, ATP (adenosine mimetic acid) synthesizes becoming the energy source of life activity.
Microorganisms proliferate proteins and nucleic acid (ATP and DNA materials), propogating phospholipids (cellular membrane material) based on this ATP.
In the groundwater, various ions such as sulfuric acid, bicarbonate, calcium, ammonium, phosphoric acid and the like dissolved from minerals are contained, and these are raw materials such as proteins and nucleic acids.
When examining the DNA in the groundwater of the collected Muponen gold mine, 99.9% or more of the microorganisms present therein were a single species.
The underground world dominated by desulforudis audaxviator.
[Desulforudis audaxviator is a monotypic bacterium, which lives in depths from 1.5 km to 3 km (.9 to 1.8 miles) below the Earth’s surface in the groundwater.]
The goings-on inside Godzilla
Fusion utilization system?
However, looking at the movie, the way Godzilla’s nuclear energy is used is not indirect like the desulforudis audaxviator. It seems to incorporate radioactive substances into its body and use it for biological activity.
Pages 44-45
In other words, it contains an image with a built-in nuclear power plant, called a “Thermonuclear energy conversion living organism” in the story.
In reality, nuclear power plants produce steam from water used to make thermal energy generated by uranium nuclear fission, and this turns the turbine with high pressure to generate electricity.
It is impossible for organisms to incorporate such systems, but in the movie world, Godzilla is supposed to have a more flying system than nuclear power plants.
It is because a heavy “new element” has been detected from around Godzilla.
Since the new element is produced by nuclear fusion reaction, it cannot occur in nuclear power plants using nuclear fission reaction.
At first, Godzilla’s built-in “thermonuclear energy conversion organ,” even if functioning as a biological nuclear reactor (nuclear fission reactor), at a certain stage of the transformation process, changes and a new element can be created using the energy made from such a fusion reaction.
Recent topics related to new elements in the real world, four kinds of new elements synthesized by research institutes by Japan-America, Russia, and others were internationally recognized, whereby the number of protons contained in the elements up to 118th element.
The fact that the 118th element has been confirmed means that the existence of an atom having a nucleus containing 1 to 118 protons has been confirmed.
『シン•ゴジラ』は近未来の日本が舞台とみられるので(前ページの画像 )、作中の“新元素”は119番以降の元素になる。
“Shin Godzilla,” as seen in a scene of the near future Japan (the image on the previous page) and the “new element” under construction is an element after 119.
The element that is stable in nature and have the largest number is uranium number 92.
それより番号が大きい元素はいずれも不安定であり、放射 線を出して短時間で崩壊する。
Elements with higher numbers are unstable, they collapse in a short time by emitting radiation.
These are generically called transuranic elements and their existence has been confirmed by artificial synthesis (it has been found later that ultra trace amounts of 93 neptunium and 94 plutonium are contained in uranium ore).
Using a large-scale accelerator to hit premature elements with ultra-high microscopic fusion reactions, synthesizes new elements with higher numbers.
Especially as the number of atom of new element which can be artificially synthesized becomes larger as it becomes uranium element exceeding 104 number which is called a “heavy element”.
[A heavy element is an element with an atomic number greater than 92.]
しかも寿命( 半減期)は1秒よりもはるかに短いので、合成された次の瞬間、放射線を出して崩壊してしまう。超短寿命の放射線性元素だ。
Furthermore, since the lifetime (half-life) is much shorter than 1 second, it will collapse by emitting radiation at the next moment of synthesis. It is a very short-lived radioactive element.
Godzilla release of a “new element” has been set to exist stably for about 20 days, but from the characteristics of superheavy elements it is difficult to reasonably explain the length of this lifetime.
As pointed out by Professor Naganuma of Hiroshima University and Associate Professor Matsumoto of Tokyo Institute of Technology, theoretically, the uncoupled isotopes of super heavy elements (including undiscovered elements after 119) are thought to have an extremely long life group called an island.
The new element produced by Godzilla, the super heavy element after 119, is possible to be an isotope belonging to “stable island.”
現実世界では、この安定の島への到達 が各国の間で激しい競にかっている。
In the real world, reaching this stable island is subject to intense competition among countries.
However, even isotopes of stable island do not seem to have a life expectancy of 20 days, like Godzilla’s new element.
Since new elements in the real world are synthesized using a large accelerator by injecting enormous energy, nuclear fusion melts generated by new elements can not be a system for generating energy.
Currently, the nuclear fusion reactor under international cooperation heats the gas of the most elemental hydrogen (although deuterium and tritium with many neutrons in the nucleus more than ordinary hydrogen) to ionize at ultrahigh temperature, puts it in a high density state using a strong magnetic field, causing a nuclear fusion reaction, and using thermal energy generated when helium No. 2 element is formed.
Development of technology to induce nuclear fusion reactions is realized by irradiating a high intensity laser from all directions to a thermal department including hydrogen to realize ultra high temperature and high density.
In any case, the undiscovered 119th element and 200th element etc. can not be generated in the nuclear furnace where development is actually progressing. However, if “new element” does not appear in the work, there is a high possibility that Godzilla’s dreadful fictitious “Thermonuclear Energy Conversion Living Organ” will not be conveyed to the viewer. The keyword “new element” can be thought of as a message from the movie production side showing that Godzilla is using nuclear fission energy more than advanced nuclear fusion. It should also be remembered that the birth of the first generation Godzilla was not an atomic bomb that used nuclear fission but was an hydrogen bomb experiment using nuclear fusion as its trigger.
It may be the “universe”
that Godzilla inhabits
Another thing that is clearly included in the new element is that Godzilla is conducting element transformation through nuclear fusion, that is to say that he is doing alchemy.
Godzilla disappeared in Tokyo Bay in the third form of reptile type, and when re-landed in Kamakura in the fourth form it was reminiscent of carnivorous dinosaurs and its size was considerably large.
By analogy from that figure Godzilla is not strange to eat something fish or something, but it is the fourth form, it is presumed that such food will not be eaten.
From this assumption, more wild fiction comes up.
Godzilla is from the atoms that make up the atmosphere and seawater, nuclear fusion will synthesize the necessary kinds of necessary elements. This is a scenario that synthesizes substances that have the desired molecular structure by using it as a base.
Pages 46-47
For example, you can think that the outer skin of Godzilla, which is so robust that it normally bounces off military weapons, is a substance like a lightweight and strong graffite produced in the body. It can be explained that the high temperature part that stores fire flame is wrapped in a structure like high insulation ceramics.