Making of Godzilla 1984


Making of Godzilla

ゴジラ映画 9年ぶりのスタート!
Godzilla movie started for the first time in 9 years!

5月12日。 東宝スタジオ内にスタッフ ルームが設置され、中野監督と井上美術 監督,松本清考助監督, 製作担当の池田雅行氏の4人が先発メンバーとなる。

May 12. A room will be set up in Toho Studio, and four members, Director Nakano, Director Inoue, Director Kiyoshi Matsumoto, and Mr. Masayuki Ikeda, who is in charge of production, will be the starting members.

21日。スーパーXのデザイン打ち合わせ。デザインは井上泰幸氏である。この日は、ソ連核衛星のミニュアを作る、「さよならジュピター」の小川模型との打ち合わせもおこなわれた (小川模型はソ連核衛星のみに参加)。

21st. Super X design meeting. The design is Yasuyuki Inoe. On this day, a meeting was also held with the Ogawa model of “Sayonara Jupiter,” which makes the miniature of the Soviet nuclear satellite (the Ogawa model participates only in the Soviet nuclear satellite).


The 22nd. Location scouting to Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station in Shizuoka Prefecture. This is one of the stages in the play, which is a model of the Hamaoka Nuclear Power Plant.

(See 浜岡原子力発電所浜岡原子力発電所)


June 1. It has been decided that Kenpachiro Satsuma (formerly Kengo Nakayama) will be in the suit. This is Nakano’s nomination for his stamina and tenacious personality.


The 22nd. Location scouting to Oi Wharf, which is supposed to land on Godzilla.

(See 大井コンテナふ頭大井コンテナふ頭)

29日。氷川神社の神主さんを招き、東宝スタジオ第1ステージで, 本編スタッフと合同でお祓いを受ける。

29th. Invited the priest of Hikawa Shrine, and received a prayer jointly with the main staff at the first stage of Toho Studio.

○ いよいよ撮影開始
Finally start shooting

7月7日。午前9時より第8ステージ で、ソ連原潜が深海を航行中のカットからクランクイン。深海のイメージをだす ため、青のホリゾントの前に原潜のミニチュアをつるし、操演の松本光司氏がワイヤーで動かし、特殊効果の渡辺忠昭氏がパラフィン系のスモークをたく。このスモークは油性で臭いが強く、ステージにたちこめるため、スタッフ全員が悩ま された。

July 7. At the 8th stage from 9 am, the Soviet submarine cranked in from the cut while sailing in the deep sea. In order to create an image of the deep sea, a miniature of the nuclear submarine is hung in front of the blue cyclorama​, Koji Matsumoto of the performance moves it with a wire, and Tadaaki Watanabe of the special effect hits paraffin smoke. This smoke was oily and had a strong odor, and all the staff were troubled because it was able to reach the stage.

(A cyclorama is a large curtain or wall, often concave, positioned at the back of the stage area.)

8日~10日。ソ連核衛星, アメリカ核衛星の撮影。

8th to 10th. Photographed by Soviet nuclear satellite and American nuclear satellite.

12日には, 大プールで漁船のシーンを撮影。14日、ついにゴジラスーツの仮縫いが終了。 さっそく東宝スタジオ内の体育館で、動きのリハーサルをおこなう。ビデオを持ちこみ、中野監督がチェックをすると同時に、スーツのディテールの直しを特美に発注。

On the 12th, I took a picture of a fishing boat in a large pool. On the 14th, the temporary sewing of the Godzilla suit was finally completed. Its movement will be rehearsed at the gymnasium in Toho Studio. Bringing in the video, Director Nakano checks it, and at the same time, orders the details of the suit to be repaired.

Source: Godzilla ’85 東宝映画新作「ゴジラ」カラーワイドグラフ (講談社, p 34)