Jet Jaguar Review
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The electronic robot that stood out in the “Godzilla” series
ジェットジャガー 評判記
Jet Jaguar Review
“The Counterattack of the Second Monster Boom Generation
Chapter 2: The Godzilla We Loved
Jet Jaguar, the righteous electronic robot that appeared in Godzilla vs. Megalon (1973). Of all the characters that appear in the Godzilla series, no one has changed as much in public opinion as Jaguar from his birth to the present day.
文: ギンティ 小林
Text: Ginty Kobayashi
ジェットジャガーが登場する『ゴジラ対メガロ』が公開された1973年の3月といえば、第二次怪獣ブームの真っ直中。テレビでは『ウルトラマンA』『仮面ライダーV3』『マジンガー Z』などの特撮番組&ロボットアニメが週に15作以上放送されていた熱いシーズン。そんな時期にジャガーは誕生した。ジャガーは、もともと新怪獣募集企画で小学6年生の少年が応募したレッド・アローンという『超れてしまう・・・。音波で相手を発狂させる怪獣だった。しかし、”今、巨大ヒーローが熱い!”という時世にすり寄ろうとした大人の事情が豪快にトッピングされた結果、少年が考えたデザイン&設定を1ミリも残していない正義の電子ロボットにトランスォームされてしまう・・・。
Godzilla vs. Megalon, in which Jet Jaguar appears, was released in March 1973, right in the middle of the second monster boom. It was a hot season when more than 15 special effects and robot anime shows such as Ultraman Ace, Kamen Rider V3, and Mazinger Z were broadcast on TV every week. Jaguar was born during this time. Jaguar was originally a monster called Red Alone, a monster that was submitted by a sixth-grade boy in a new monster recruitment project, and that would drive opponents crazy with sound waves. However, as a result of the adult circumstances that tried to get in touch with the times when “giant heroes are hot right now!” were added on top, Jaguar was transformed into a righteous electronic robot that did not retain even a millimeter of the design and setting that the boy had conceived.
Even though Jaguar went to such lengths to meet the needs of children, when the movie was released many children rejected it, saying, “Why put a giant hero in the world of Godzilla?! The interesting thing about it is that monsters fight each other!” But that’s not all. In the movie, when Jaguar, a 180cm humanoid all-purpose robot developed by the young genius engineer Goro Ibuki (Katsuhiko Sasaki), suddenly grows to a giant size of 50m, ignoring the specifications, the developer, Dr. Ibuki, gives a vague explanation that “it was his sense of justice that made him grow to a giant size.” This weak defense of SF research, his nihilistic face that turns away the respect of children, and the overly optimistic color scheme that reminds one of a Showa era pachinko machine were also factors that caused people to dislike the movie… But that’s what makes it cool!
If I may go on to be ruthless, I will say that despite the hard-hitting and epic story of “undersea people who are angry about human beings’ nuclear experiments send monsters to the surface,” due to the low budget, not only are there no Self-Defense Force or government officials, but there is not even one female character. Some have criticized the film, saying, “It just seems like a story about young people hanging around in the daytime fighting a small cult in a back alley, when monsters and robots burst in.” However, I don’t think that’s the case. Thanks to the solid story that only features the chosen few, you can focus on Jet Jaguar’s exploits!
レコード提供: 鈴木啓之
Record provided by: Hiroyuki Suzuki
“Godzilla vs. Megalon” theme song sung by Masato Shimon: “Godzilla and Jet Jaguar Punch Punch”
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Also, in the movie, right after Jaguar grows to a gigantic size, he slowly walks up to Megalon, and you think he might be saying hello, but then he suddenly punches Megalon in the face and coolly assumes a karate-like stance, which is the coolest moment ever!…I tried to argue this in a somewhat weak but strong way, but for a long time, Jet Jaguar was not only branded as one of the most embarrassing characters in Godzilla movie history, but a dark era continued in which people like me who love Jaguar were perceived as special effects fans with “bad taste.”
However, the mood gradually changed. First of all, it was not Japanese fans but American fans who actively expressed their love for Jaguar. Since Godzilla vs. Megalon was released in the US in 1976 and became a hit, it has been frequently broadcast on television and has gained a cult following. As a result, in the 2010s, people who fell in love with Jaguar as children grew up and started to sell Jet Jaguar figures, piggy banks, stuffed toys, and other goods. Jaguar also appeared in the original novel Game Wars (2013), which was the basis for the movie Ready Player One (2018), and the comic Godzilla: Rulers of Earth (2013). In Rulers of Earth, the 180cm tall Jaguar sneaks into Orga’s mouth, grows huge to destroy Orga, and boards Kiryu to fight Destroyah, among other best fights.
日本でも15年に雑誌『特撮秘宝』(洋泉社)でジャガーの熱い連載企画が組まれ、PS3ソフト『ゴジラ -GODZILLA-』にジャガーが登場するなどホットな出来事がありつつ、19年4月1日に、事件は起きた。東宝の公式 YouTube チャンネルが、映画『ジェットジャガー』の特報を発表!・・・と、これはエイプリルフールのジョークだったが、2021年、この嘘がまことになる。『ゴジラS.Pヘシンギュラポイント〉』である。この作品、実質的な主役はジェットジャガーだった! しかも本作のジャガーは「社会のメインにはいない、エンジニアが開発したロボ」というオリジナルの設定を継承し、カツアゲする作品になった。「自我を持ち、正義に目覚める」「スペックを無視して巨大化する」というオリジナルでツッコまれた展開も大量のSF考証で完全武装して踏襲!最後はロボ映画の名作『アイアン・ジャイアント』(日本公開00年)級の泣ける活躍をアピール、というジャガーの魂を見事に昇華させ、ジャガーが好きなために馬鹿にされてきた方たちの涙を豪快にカツアゲする作品になった。
In Japan, a hot serialization project on Jaguar was organized in the magazine “Tokusatsu Hiho” (Yosensha) in 2015, and Jaguar appeared in the PS3 software “Godzilla -GODZILLA-“, and there were other hot events, but on April 1, 2019, an incident occurred. Toho’s official YouTube channel announced a special preview of the movie “Jet Jaguar”! … This was an April Fool’s joke, but in 2021, this lie became true. It was “Godzilla S.P. Hesingular Point.” Jet Jaguar was the actual main character of this work! Moreover, Jaguar in this work inherited the original setting of “a robot developed by an engineer who is not in the mainstream of society” and became a work of extortion. The plot developments that were criticized in the original, such as “gaining a sense of self and awakening to justice” and “growing gigantic despite specs,” are fully armed with a large amount of sci-fi research and followed through! At the end, Jaguar’s spirit is beautifully elevated to a tear-jerking performance on the same level as the classic robot movie “The Iron Giant” (released in Japan in 2000), making this a film that will bring tears to the eyes of those who have been ridiculed for loving Jaguar.
Then in 2023, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Jet Jaguar’s birth, a project to recreate the suit will be launched! The time has finally come when Jet Jaguar will be recognized as a character that can be proud of anywhere!…At least, that’s just us.
Speaking of Toho’s life-sized giant hero following Jet Jaguar…!
“Meteorman Zone” is a special effects drama produced by Toho Eizo that aired on Nippon Television from April 1973 after the release of “Godzilla vs. Megalon.” It was originally planned as a special effects program starring Godzilla, but was later changed to a giant hero film, and it follows the concept of “Godzilla vs. Megalon” where Godzilla and a hero fight together. This film, which features Godzilla series directors Jun Fukuda and Ishiro Honda, also features guest appearances by King Ghidorah and Gigan in addition to Godzilla. At the end of “Godzilla vs. Gigan” (1972) and “Godzilla vs. Megalon,” Gigan would always flee into space whenever he felt threatened, but in this film he is finally defeated.
From the right, Goro Ibuki (Katsuhiko Sasaki), who developed Jet Jaguar, Jet Jaguar, Goro’s younger brother Rokuro (Hiroyuki Kawase), and Goro’s junior colleague Hiroshi Jinkawa (Yutaka Hayashi).
The current era is turning its attention to Jaguar!
“Shooting Star Man Zone
DVDs on sale now, 2,750 yen each
Released and sold by: Toho
©1973 Toho Eizo Bijutsu
※ 画像は『Vol.3』
※ Image is from “Vol.3”
Source: 昭和40年男, pp 36-37
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Those who have seen this film will know that Rodan is a monster with wings. The wings are actually thin foam rubber plates. Using this material instead of cloth was a painstaking idea by the special effects department to create a light film that also had a sense of volume. The same film also features a Rodan larva called a yago, whose compound eyes are made by fixing a dozen or so urea resin buttons into a hemispherical shape. I think this, along with Rodan’s Wings, is a masterpiece.
Now, as for the new Moguera, all the previous monsters had “life” and needed animal-like forms and movements, but this Moguera is a robot, so it needs to have a mechanical feel. To achieve this, we first made a prototype of each part using oil-based clay, then took a plaster mold from this prototype, and poured compound latex into this plaster mold to create the shape. As with Godzilla, a human being will be inside to move it, so foam rubber was used for the cushions (pants made from raw rubber are not recommended due to their high specific gravity).
The selection of such cushioning materials is important in terms of use (as it affects the product’s operation and other aspects), and I think it would be interesting to react deisocyanate and polyester in a suitable mold to create a moltoprene molded product (the fact that it does not require mechanical foaming or high-temperature vulcanization makes it suitable for work in a studio without such equipment).
After molding, the part was finished with a polyester-based synthetic resin paint to give it a metallic appearance.
Furthermore, the mechanical device that controls the robot appears from inside this Moguera’s body, which was destroyed by the attack of the Earth Defense Force. Furthermore, the device that controls each part is also attached, and the total weight reaches 12 kan. I would like to end this article by expressing my respect for the actor who has to support this weight with his whole body and move around energetically.
Mogera on the street