How to make a monster suit



How to make a stuffed animal (How to make a monster suit)


You can even make a monster stuffed animal! It takes a little money and time, but it’s okay if you feel like it. Let’s transform yourself into a monster!

Let’s have an adult buy urethane.

❶ 石こうでキミより少し大きめの頭の型を取り太い木材でしっかり土台を組む。布で作ったお面をかぶせてボンドでウレタンを貼りつける。(これをかぶるのだ)

Take a head mold that is slightly larger than you with plaster and lay a solid foundation with thick wood. Cover the mask made of cloth and attach urethane with a bond. (Wear this)


If you want to put the monster’s head on your head like Godzilla, make the monster’s head out of clay, take the stone and pour the latex. When it hardens, remove the mold and the rest is the same. At this time, make the mask up to the neck.

❷ 正面、構、うしろと、デザイン画をよく見ながらウレタンを削っていく。(目と口の位置を定める)

While looking closely at the design image from the front, structure, and back, scrape the urethane. (Position the eyes and mouth)


Working with blades is the most dangerous.
Be sure to point the blade outward.



The blade of the cutter can’t be cut quickly, so change it frequently.

❸ ツメやキバは硬質ウレタン書いて切り取り。一本づつ削る。紙やすりで磨くか、コンロで温めるとツルツルになる。

Cut out the claws and edges by writing hard on the urethane. Shave one by one. Polish it with sandpaper or heat it on the stove to make it slippery.

❹ 頭の形ができてきら、目と口の部分削る。この削りあとをきれいにするため、全体にボンドを塗っておく。

When the shape of the head is formed, scrape the eyes and mouth. Apply a bond to the entire surface to clean the scraped area.

❺ 目玉の表面はボ—ルのように球になっているから、そのカ—ブを出せるような型を用意。そして型の直径サイズの穴を板きれにあけておく。

Since the surface of the eyeball is a sphere like a ball, prepare a mold that can put out the curve. Then, make a hole of the diameter size of the mold in the plate.


Heat the board, and when it becomes soft, place it under the board and push it out from below with a mold. Cut it to the required size and write the eyeballs from the back.


If the bond smokes too much, it’s not good for your body, so ventilate!

(ボンド bond)


The work gloves that have been hardened by the bond will shrink, so I’ll put two pair on.

❻ 手は軍手を使うが、ボンドでツメをつけてから全体にウレタンを貼って削る。四本指にしたいときは絵のように二本の間を切りさいて貼り合わせればいい。

To the hands use work gloves, after attaching claws with a bond, apply urethane to the entire surface and scrape. If you want to make four fingers, cut between the two as shown in the picture and stick them together.


The feet are rubber boots. If it’s slippery, the bond won’t stick, so scrape it with a file and then use it like a hand.

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❼ ボディはつなぎ服のファスナーが後ろにくるように使う。もちろん古着でOK。なければお母さんに作ってもらっちゃおう。

The body is used so that the zipper of the coverall comes to the back. Of course, old clothes are OK. If not, let’s have your mother make it.

❽ つなぎ服にボンドを塗って、ウレタンをペタパタ貼りつける。キミはなんも怪獣かな?ぶっといとかスリムとか、怪獣の特徴にあわれて肉づけする。

Apply a bond to the coverall and stick urethane on it. Are you a monster? It is fleshed out by the characteristics of monsters such as fat and slim.

❾ 貼り終わった削っていく。よく動ヒジやヒゼの部分は、はがれやすいからうすくしておく。

I will scrape it after pasting it. The parts of the moving elbows and elbows are often peeled off, so make them thin.

❿ 肩など、肉をウーンともりあげたい部分には、さらにスポンジを貼る。

Add more sponge to the shoulders and other areas where you want to lift the meat.


It’s a difficult place here, so let’s get help from my mom!


It is convenient to have about 3 types of urethane thickness.


There will be mountain of garbage in no time. Do it while cleaning up.


The atmosphere of the monster will be exciting.

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Yeah, it’s getting more and more real.


The color of lacquer is easy to fade.

⓫ 皮ふをブッブッにするときは、ラテックスにオガクズを混ぜてヘラでスポンジの上に塗ると効果的。

When making the skin bubbly, it is effective to mix sawdust with latex and apply it on the sponge with a spatula.

⓬ ボディに頭(目玉やキバも忘れずに)と手足をしっかり接合させて、全身にラテックスを四〜五回塗る。乾燥したら水性塗料で着色し、透明のエナメルスプレーで色を定着される。

Firmly attach the head (don’t forget the eyeballs and edges) and limbs to the body, and apply latex to the whole body four to five times. Once dry, it is colored with water-based paint and fixed with a clear enamel spray.

⓭ 背中のファスナーからもぐりこめば怪獣の誕生!

A monster is born if you slip in from the zipper on your back!


Put your head on and you’re done! Thank you for your hard work.

Think carefully and make something cooler than me!