Today is a special box day. First there were Godzilla cells. Then there was a Godzilla claw. Now there’s a Godzilla dorsal fin! I’ve wanted this piece of Godzilla for a very long time. In 2021, Nijigen no Mori’s Awaji Island Godzilla Interception Operation (淡路島ニジゲンノモリゴジラ迎撃作戦) turned one. To celebrate both anniversaries, they sold Godzilla vs King Ghidorah (1991) 30th Anniversary “Godzilla Interception Operation Limited Edition Special Coloring Godzilla Dorsal Fin” (ゴジラ迎撃作戦 限定版 特製カラーリングゴジラ背びれ). I salivated over it but I was convinced it was out reach and would be overpriced.