Godzilla and Tokyo


ゴジラはなぜ、はるかな南の海の底から 黄泉がえり、皇居のある東京に襲来するのか。『ゴジラ』という映画の基層には、おそらく無 意識の構図として、あの戦争末期に南の海に散っていった若き兵士たちの、行き場もなく彷徨する数も知れぬ霊魂の群れと、かつてかれらを南の戦場に送りだし、いま死せる者らの魂鎮めの霊力すらうしなって人間に返った、この国の最高祭祀者とが、声もなく、遠対峙しあう光景が沈められているはずだ。ゴジラは皇居の周囲をあてどなく巡った末 に、不意に背を向けて、ふたたび南の海へ還ってゆく、もはやここには、かれらの魂の悶えを鎮めてくれる者がないことを悟ったかのように。

Why does Godzilla rise from the bottom of the sea far south and invade Tokyo, where the Imperial Palace is located? Perhaps unconsciously at the base of the movie Godzilla, there was once a flock of young soldiers scattered in the South Sea at the end of the war, wandering around without a place to go. The sight of the highest rituals of this country, who sent them to the battlefield in the south and returned to humans with the spiritual power of the soul-soothing of those who are now dying, should be sunk without voice. is. After circling around the Imperial Palace, Godzilla suddenly turned his back and returned to the South Sea again, saying that there is no one here to calm the agony of their souls. As he I realized.


The scars of the old war, less than nine years old, and the voiceless voices of the war dead. Godzilla in 1954 is really sad …