Emergence of G cells that created numerous monsters


Emergence of G cells that created numerous monsters


Monsters born under the influence of Biollante, Orga, Space Godzilla, and Destroyer Megagiras Godzilla


The Type 3 Kiryu was built using Godzilla’s DNA, using the bones of Godzilla, which was overthrown and sunk in Tokyo Bay in the year 1954, as its main frame. Although it was to defeat Godzilla, mankind created a new monster from Godzilla. Even though they were able to control it, Kiryu went out of control and destroyed the city, so you can see how dangerous it is. In this way, in the Godzilla series, there were many times that what was done to defeat Godzilla actually made things worse. Here, I would like to introduce Godzilla’s cells (G cells), which became the culprit, and the monsters born from Godzilla.

The Birth of Biollante

Emergence of G cells


The setting of G cells first appeared in Godzilla vs Biollante. In the first place, G-cells were collected from the site of where a Godzilla battle was fought, to attempt to utilize the three properties of the genes, “strong self-regeneration ability,” “structure that can eat a nucleus,” and “use the nucleus as decomposition energy.” First, the Japanese government considered the nature of G-cells’ “nucleus-eating structure” to fuse them with bacteria to produce nucleus-eating bacteria “anti-nuclear energy bacteria” and use them as anti-Godzilla weapons. However, it can also neutralize nuclear weapons and become a weapon that upsets the military balance of the world. G cells are of high military value, so it was only natural that Biomajor would target them.

一方、白神博士はサラジア共和国の研究所で娘・英理加が研究していたサボテンと小麦の遺伝子を融合して造った砂漠でも育 つ植物に、「強力な自己再生能力」を持つ G細胞の遺伝子を融合することで、永遠に 枯れることのないスーパー・プラントを作 ろうとしていた。しかし、バイオメジャー の爆破工作で娘が死亡。博士は娘を永遠の ものとするため、娘の遺伝子を融合させた バラにG細胞を融合。ところが、このバラ は枯れないどころか、ゴジラを超える巨大 な植物怪獣ビオランテに進化することにな る。ワニのような巨大な口や何本もの触手 状の根。そこから吐き出す強酸性の樹液で ゴジラを苦しめるほどのモンスターへと成 長した。

On the other hand, Dr. Shiragami created a plant that can grow even in the desert by fusing the genes of cacti and wheat that his daughter Erika was researching at a research institute in the Republic of Saradia. By fusing genes, he was trying to create a super plant that would never die. However, his daughter died in a Biomajor bombing operation. In order to make his daughter live forever, the doctor fuses her daughter’s genes into a rose with G cells. However, instead of withering, this rose will evolve into a giant plant monster, Biollante, which surpasses even Godzilla. It has a huge crocodile-like mouth and many tentacle-like roots. The strongly acidic sap that spewed out of it made him grow into a monster that even tormented Godzilla.

計画とは違ったが、G細胞の研究による 見事な成果である。しかし、白神博士はこ れ以上のG細胞の研究を拒否。例え人類が ゴジラを倒す武器を手に入れることになっ たとしても、それは核兵器以上の武器を手 にしたに過ぎない。脅威が脅威を生む負の 連鎖なのだ。

Although it was different from the plan, it is a splendid result of research on G cells. However, Dr. Shiragami refused to study G cells any further. Even if mankind were to obtain a weapon to defeat his Godzilla, it would be nothing more than a nuclear weapon. It is a vicious cycle in which threats breed threats.



Biollante’s motif is a rose flower. It became the first giant plant monster in a Toho movie. Mutated into two forms, a flower beast form and a plant form, and in the plant form it is 120 meters long, which is overwhelmingly larger than Godzilla. The Godzilla on the upper right is the 1984 “Godzilla” from which G cells were later collected.


Although the space creature Millennian absorbed the organizer G1, which is the substance that controls Godzilla’s self-regeneration ability, it became a monster without being able to control it. The creature-like whole body and large arms make it look more like an extraterrestrial than a monster.

Source: Battle of MechaGodzilla, p 130