


矢野家の庭には、矢野研 (やのけん) の遊び場があって、多少の雨や風を防ぐための小さな屋根がついている。そこには幾つもの動物のぬいぐるみの他に、ブルマァクのソフトビニール(通称ソフビ)の怪獣人形が飾られていて、いつでも研 ちゃんが遊ぶことができる。映画では、ゴジラ、キングギドラ、ウルトラマンなどの人形が確認できる。

In the Yano family’s garden, there is a Yanoken playground with a small roof to prevent some rain and wind. In addition to a number of stuffed animals, Bullmark’s soft vinyl (commonly known as soft vinyl) monster dolls are displayed there, and Ken-chan can play at any time. In the movie, you can see dolls such as Godzilla, King Ghidorah, and Ultraman.


Bullmark is a pioneering manufacturer that created a boom in soft vinyl monster dolls from the 1960s to the 1970s. If it was a boy at that time, I would have had one of the soft vinyl monsters.

英語では、BULL MARK。力強く突進する雄牛、或いはアメリカの株式用語で「買い」を意味する「プル」に、マァクを加えた。

In English, BULL MARK. Mark has been added to the powerfully rushing bull, or “pull,” which means “buy” in American stock terms.


Bullmark’s predecessor was Marusan Shoten, which exported plastic model toys overseas in the 1950s and released the first domestically produced plastic model.

戦後の47年にマルサン商店が開業し、主に金属玩具や特 殊光学品などを百貨店や小売店に卸していた。52年にオリジナル玩具の開発にかかり、ブリキ製のオートバイ、ヘリコプター、電車などを販売し、53年にはプリキ玩具を輸出して大成功を収める。 特に海外向けに作ったキャデラックは高い評価を得た。

Marusan Shoten opened in 1947 after the war, and mainly wholesaled metal toys and special optical products to department stores and retail stores. In 1952, it started developing original toys, selling tin motorcycles, helicopters, trains, etc., and in 1993, exporting tin toys with great success. In particular, the Cadillac made for overseas was highly evaluated.

以後、プリキ玩具が主流になるが、58年に国産初のプラモデルを発売するが最初は苦戦をしいられる。そこで商品の魅力を広めようと、自らスポンサーになって、プラモデルのTV番組をシリーズとして作り、子供たちにアピール。それまで3億5千万円のマーケットが、TV番組を放送し続けた後は、40億円に急成長を果たした。64年に怪獣玩具の第一号として、ゴジラのプラモデルを発売し、そして『ウルトラQ』(66)のTV放送の人気を知り、『ウルトラマン』(66~67)の放送に合わせて、『ウルトラQ』『ウルトラマン』のソフトビニール の怪獣人形を発売し、会社の主力商品になるほどの大ヒットを記録した。

After that, plastic toys became the mainstream, but in 1983, the first domestically produced plastic model was released, but at first it was difficult. Therefore, in order to spread the appeal of the product, it sponsored himself and made a series of plastic model TV programs to appeal to children. Until then, the 350 million yen market had grown rapidly to 4 billion yen after continuing to broadcast TV programs. In 1964, Godzilla’s plastic model was released as the first monster toy, and after learning about the popularity of TV broadcasting of “Ultra Q” (66), “Ultraman” (66-67) was broadcast in time with “Ultra.” Released the soft vinyl monster dolls of “Q” and “Ultraman,” and recorded a big hit that became the company’s main product.


However, in 1968, the year after the name was changed from Marusan to Maruzan on the advice of a surname judge, it was forced into bankruptcy by holding a large amount of dead stock, which is the usual boom toy.


From this bankruptcy, two companies were established by gathering friends who were interested in each other. One is the new Marusan and the other is Bullmark.


The rebroadcast of “Ultraman” and “Ultraseven” increased the popularity of monsters among children, and in 1970, “Return of Ultraman” (71-72) was decided to be aired the following year. When Bullmark seemed to be on the upswing again with a soft vinyl monster doll, it misread the boom wave again and had dead stock, and due to various problems, it went bankrupt in 1977.

当時の子供たちにとっては、ソフビの怪獣人形は忘れられない玩具である。だからこそ、今もってネットオークションでは高値で取引されるし、復刻版のソフビ怪獣人形は人気があるのだ。 マルサン、ブルマァクの栄枯盛衰については、「マ ルサンブルマァクの仕事/蹲三郎おもちゃ道」(著/ くらじたかし 文春文庫) が詳しい。 興味ある方は読まれたし。『ゴジラ対ヘドラ』の劇場用パンフレットの表2(表紙面の 裏)には、ブルマァクのソフビ怪獣人形の広告が入っていた。劇中で研ちゃんがソフビ怪獣人形で遊ぶ姿を映し、観客の子供たちの心に「僕も欲しい」と強く訴えたはずである。

For children at that time, the soft vinyl monster doll was an unforgettable toy. That’s why it’s still traded at high prices on online auctions, and the reprinted soft vinyl monster dolls are so popular. For more information on the rise and fall of Marusan and Bullmark, see “Ma His Rusan Bullmark’s Work / Tsukubai Saburo Toy Road” (Author / Kuraj Takashi Bunko). Those who are interested have read it. Front 2 (the back of the front cover) of the theater pamphlet of “Godzilla vs. Hedorah” contained an advertisement for a Bullmark soft vinyl monster doll. In the play, Ken-chan was shown playing with a soft vinyl monster doll, and he must have strongly appealed to the children of the audience, “I want it too.”

Source: Hedorah 公害怪獣の映像世界, p 61