
Box Days sometimes come fast and furious and there’s hard to keep out with. Here’s a few items that have come my way of the last week. Most recently is this amazing Godzilla Store Limited Sale Godzilla Acrylic Study Set (ゴジラ·ストア限定販売 ゴジラアクリルスタンディセット).

Godzilla Store Limited Sale Godzilla Acrylic Study Set

A few days before the fabulous X-Plus 25cm Titanosaurus (東宝大怪獣シリーズ「チタノザウルス」少年リック限定版) arrived. The color, detail, and translucent fins are fantastic. It’s a great buy. The ric version came with a closed tail.

X-Plus 25cm Titanosaurus

Finally, my Shin Godzilla Blu-ray 4K Ultra (シン・ゴジラ Blu-ray特別版4K Ultra HD Blu-ray同梱4枚組) from Amazon.co.jp set arrived.

Blu-ray 4K Ultra Shin Godzilla