It was not my intention but I could not resist. There has been one thing missing from my Mattel Godzilla’s Gang collection. And it is not the missing team members. But rather, the header card! The Godzilla’s Gang header card is beautiful. It was part of my collection for many years and then it was thrown away. Several months ago, I was fortunate to find a copy of the Mattel Toys 1979 Catalog announcing the release of the Godzilla’s Gang and Shogun Warriors. The catalog has a beautiful full page ad for the Gang. There have been several images of this ad circulating the Internet for years. But I always want the real thing for myself. Now I have it. But, there was one thing missing, the header card. So I started looking for Godzilla’s Gang figures for sale that included the header card. And I could find none until last week. And I snatched it up. In the process, I added another Gang member, Bemustar.