決定版ゴジラ入門 Definitive Edition Godzilla Introduction


怪獣ランドのひみつ Secrets of Monster Island

▲ 小笠原海洋開発実験施設群の全景。
Overall view of Ogasawara ocean development experiment facilities group.

◀︎ 怪獣ランドのヘリコプター、連絡機用の地下入り口。
Helicopter of monster land, basement entrance for communication machine


Monster Land is exactly one of the Ogasawara Ocean Development Experiment Facility Group managed by the United Nations Scientific Committee. The experimental facility group consists of eight large and small islands, mainly researching marine farms that cultivate plankton, large fishes, whales, dolphins, etc., to utilize various marine resources, energy and the like.


The biggest of the eight islands is a monster land, and the food of monsters who eat a lot is made up of a marine ranch. Once it was destroyed by the Kilaak aliens, it was repaired and restored the original function.

▲ 怪獣ランドの管理センター。
Management center for monster land.


第4章 Chapter 4

Mankind’s Battles with Godzilla

★ ゴジラを倒そうとして、人類はどのように戦ったか?いろいろな作戦と使用された武器を知ろう!

How did mankind fight to defeat Godzilla? Learn about various strategies and weapons used!

決定版ゴジラ入門 Definitive Edition Godzilla Introduction


How did mankind fight Godzilla?

★ 人類の強力な武器と、おどろくべき生命力を持ったゴジラとの戦いはつづく!
The battle between mankind’s powerful weapons and Godzilla with survivable life force continues!


Godzilla gives huge damage to humanity every time he landed somewhere in the world. So, in order to drive Godzilla away as soon as possible, human beings fought against Godzilla.


When Godzilla appeared for the first time, humans used cannons and bombs used for war before, but it did not work on Godzilla. Godzilla was an animal that endured even the explosion of the hydrogen bomb, the most powerful weapon human beings possessed.


However, human beings studied Godzilla afterwards, and began to attack aiming at his weak points, ascertaining that he is constitutively weak to low temperature, and that he hits high pressure from current of over 1 million volts. At this time, truly Godzilla suffered damage, but Godzilla’s life force was a surprise.



So after this time, human beings did not kill Godzilla, dwelling on Monster Island and gave enough food, and it could not get away. However, Godzilla who did not see that idea had to escape Monster Island without permission and began to appear around the whole world. Human “Godzilla Taming Operation” ended in failure.


Thus, the contest between Godzilla and human intelligence is likely to continue.

決定版ゴジラ入門 Definitive Edition Godzilla Introduction


Godzilla strategy tactics

Godzilla captured with electric current attack!

HSS – 2 B Sea King sees the movement of Godzilla


Godzilla draws out from the sea! At that time, four mobile discharge towers secretly approached Godzilla from underwater. Godzilla writhes in pain flying at the edge of a current of 20 million volts flowing between the discharge devices.


Using sea water, the strategy to confine Godzilla in an electric field of 100 meters per side was a great success. The movement of Godzilla is detected by all the reconnaissance aircraft, and the discharge device moves accordingly. Godzilla was numbed and taken and after his body was brought to Monster Land with many floats.

A curtain insulation affixed so other creatures would not be affected.

移動用キャタピラ Caterpillar movement
発電機 Generator
幕を張るための小型潜水艇 Small diving boat for the curtain

Illustration / Aoi Kunio


▲ゴジラを攻撃する▲ Attack Godzilla
F1爆撃機 F1 Bomber

▲ゴジラの動きを見張る Watches the movement of Godzilla
P3Cオライオン P3C Orion

Ultra high voltage electric filed of 20 million volts

決定版ゴジラ入門 Definitive Edition Godzilla Introduction


Godzilla strategy tactics

Drop Godzilla in a frozen pit!


Godzilla was wandering in search of food. Before that, a large dump truck carrying meat came. Godzilla began chasing a large dump truck. But this was a trap.


Suddenly, his feet sank. It’s a trap. Stumbling on a step in the hole, Godzilla fell from his head to the bottom. There, -200° liquid silicon was poured in. Godzilla weak at low temperature cannot move quickly.


It is insulated with thermal insulation above the frozen Godzilla. It will be frozen for the next two hundred years by nuclear freezer.

Helicopters drop spherical insulation one after another

Liquid tin bombs are dropped from fighter aircraft

Sprinkling liquid ceramic filling gaps in the insulation

A lid covers the pit

Insulation material keeps the cool air away

Rapid cold liquid nitrogen tank

Sinking liquid nitrogen (minus 200 degrees)
Nuclear freezer

え / 田中精美
Illustration / Tanaka Sumi


A train that pairs with a frozen car

A large-sized refrigerator car that came out from opening of a hatch

Pushes the hose and sends cool air

A 300-ton dump truck “Telex Titan” loaded with meat to lure Godzilla

Underground control room

原子炉 Reator

発電機 Generator

原子力フリーザー Nuclear freezer

凍りつくゴジラ Frozen Godzilla

決定版ゴジラ入門 Definitive Edition Godzilla Introduction


Godzilla strategy tactics

Cover Godzilla with a reflective dome!


While receiving the attack of the defense corps, a strange shining pale thing turned toward Godzilla who is moving toward a city. Not only that, it is not just one. As it seizes Godzilla, he gets stuck everywhere.


Godzilla continues to blow his radiating flame, but the object send back the flames. The object is totally around Godzilla, who is standing up, becomes a hemispherical dome and covered Godzilla. At the same time, a handful yellow anesthesia gas of Godzilla is injected into the dome, making him somewhat sleepy.

作業者 Worker
3段目 3rd stage
福操作室 Fukui operating room
麻酔ガスポンベ Anesthetic gas reservoir
界磁電極板でゴジラの放射火炎をはね返す Reflects Godzilla’s radiation flame with the field electrode plate
中にたたまれた2段目 Second stage collapsed in
ガス送風機 Gas blower
界磁発生装置 Field generator
崩御用小型反射板 Small reflection plate for destruction


待機する予備車 Spare waiting car
麻酔ガス注入口 Anesthetic gas inlet
ゴジラを足止めするための無人火砲群 Unmanned firearms to stop Godzilla
リモコンケーブル Remote Control cable
対放射能板 A radioactive place

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