About Ken Yano


矢野研(やの • けん)
Yano Ken

海洋生物学者・矢野徹(やの・とおる)の愛息。東宝の設定 資料では、9歳。

Beloved son of Toru Yano, a marine biologist. According to Toho’s setting materials, he is 9 years old.


At that time, I was in the second grade of elementary school. In his garden, there is a playground for stuffed animals and monster soft vinyl dolls.

ゴジラに対しかなり思い入れが強く、意識的か、無意識的 かは定かではないが、ゴジラとテレパシーで精神感応ができるようだ。ヘドラのネーミングをつけたのも、「ヘドラ乾燥作戦」のアイデアのきっかけを作ったのも研の何気ない発言からだった。

He has a strong affection for Godzilla, and although it is unclear whether he is conscious or unconscious, he seems to be able to telepathically interact with Godzilla. It was Ken’s casual remarks that gave him the name Hedorah and inspired him to come up with the idea of “Operation Hedorah Drying.”

また、小学生ながら富士の裾野で行われた「公害反対!! 100万人ゴーゴー」に参加中にヘドラの攻撃を受け、富士宮ミキ(ふじのみや・みき) と研だけが奇跡的に生き残った。演じたのは、 川瀬裕之(かわせ・ひろゆき)。

Also, as an elementary school student, he was attacked by Hedorah while participating in “Anti Pollution!! 1 Million People Go Go” held at the foot of Mt. Fuji, and only Miki Fujinomiya and Ken miraculously survived. He was played by Hiroyuki Kawase.

矢野研 (やの・けん)の詩 研がヘドロを嘆いて作った詩だが、そこに原爆と公害、そして大好きなゴジラを絡めているあたりが実にうまい。子供の視点で、人類が原爆の次に産業公害を生み、終の棲家を汚されたことで原爆の申し子ゴジラが怒っているだろうな、という想いを伝えてくれる。以下がその詩である。

Ken Yano’s Poetry is lamenting the sludge, but it’s really good that the atomic bomb, pollution, and his favorite Godzilla are intertwined in it. From a child’s point of view, it conveys the feeling that Godzilla, the child of the atomic bomb, must be angry because mankind created industrial pollution after the atomic bomb and his last home was defiled. Below is the poem.

げんばく すいばく
どくがす へどろ

Atomic bomb, hydrogen bomb
Death ash into the sea
Poisonous sludge
Discards into the sea
pee pee too
Godzilla sees
I wonder if he is offended
He’s going to get angry

二ねんくみ 矢野研
2nd Year Class Yano Ken

Source: Hedorah 公書怪獣の映像世界, PP 67-8